Mr. Dillard is a great ol guy! I have had the honor to meet him few times now. Is that strip still smooth as glass? He put a lot of $ and work into it.
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Camera drone at a NORDO fly-in. Sheesh. Hopefully somebody will show up with a shotgun.

Not cool.
Great looking field and good camera work from the drone but I can help but think about that drone flying around in the pattern.
Pretty scary.
How'd I know the Debbie "YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!!" downers would surface here... What makes you think there weren't 3-4 pairs of eyes watching the pattern?? :rolleyes: There were.

Nice job Scott!
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I would trust a quad-copter in the hands of a pilot. It's the Wuffo's that buy one off the internet and think they can fly it anywhere without any training that I worry about!!
Outstanding Video

What a GREAT Video. Keep up the great work Scott! Don't let the naysayers influence your creative PROMOTION of the "roots of aviation". :)
Awesome video, Scott! Judging from the reaction of the attendees (and lack of shotguns brandished) , it appears that your efforts were well received.
You can't please everyone, and there are those of us who don't feel the need for TFR's, paved runways, and ATC to enjoy flying!
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Where in Texas is this place.....looks like a fun place for a weekend..

Put the word out early so we can make plans.

Maybe you can get a much bigger crowd next year

Any shower or toiled availability

This place looks like it could have good potential

Glenn wilkinson
I admit to being more than a little amused at being viewed as a safety Nazi.

Here's the future...yes, the video is cool. So cool that 3 drones show up at the next fly-in, and 10 at the one after that. All flown by pilots of course, who are never inattentive or careless, or allow their kid to fly.

Imagine, for a moment, a Reklaw Fly-In with a dozen camera drones on site.

Gents, it's a time to be careful what you wish for, and set a good example.
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Imagine, for a moment, a Reklaw Fly-In with a dozen camera drones on site.
Dan, I agree. Not only would you have to worry about all the people running across the runway, but also looking out for quad-copters too. If its done in safe and controlled environment I have no problem with R/C planes in the same airspace. Nacogdoches has a full blown R/C club right on the airport grounds and because of strict regulations they have had zero problems operating there. I doubt very seriously that Scott would have flown his copter in a reckless manner.
Who's RV?

Who's RV is that at 0:12 seconds? Really cool scheme, I would like to see additional photos of this plane if someone has an N number?


Bill Hempel
I admit to being more than a little amused at been viewed as a safety Nazi.

Here's the future...yes, the video is cool. So cool that 3 drones show up at the next fly-in, and 10 at the one after that. All flown by pilots of course, who are never inattentive or careless, or allow their kid to fly.

Imagine, for a moment, a Reklaw Fly-In with a dozen camera drones on site.

Gents, it's a time to be careful what you wish for, and set a good example.

There can be no doubt that you are one of the major contributors to VAF, and the thousands of members are better off for your participation. It is also a surety that no one would consider any person advocating bringing a shotgun to a fly-in to shoot down small drones as a "safety nazi", so you are safe there!:p
Your argument that having multiple drones being piloted by uninformed, and inexperienced "pilots" would be a detriment to safety in a high density environment. However, since the OP is one of our members, I prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt that he operated his craft in a safe and sane manner. Chances are, he likely schooled others who might have interest in doing the same on proper safety and operations.
I share your sentiments that even one drone flying uncontrolled at a major fly-in would be a definite hazard to safety. However, this was not a large gathering, and I will once again give latitude that the OP took great precautions.
Drones are not a fad that will be going away soon. There must be some common sense in their use, and we must strive to find the middle ground so that all may coexist. I for one, would hate to see the FAA making decisions unguided.
While not specifically related to RV's, this is a topic that should be debated, and perhaps we can move this discussion to another thread for a gentlemanly discussion by folks as well informed as you are.
In the meantime, I thank the OP for sharing this very fun fly-in with the membership from an excellent vantage point.
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12 second mark

Who's RV is that at 0:12 seconds? Really cool scheme, I would like to see additional photos of this plane if someone has an N number?


Bill Hempel

That's my plane, 700WN if you want a few more pics send me your email address.
I admit to being more than a little amused at being viewed as a safety Nazi.

Here's the future...yes, the video is cool. So cool that 3 drones show up at the next fly-in, and 10 at the one after that. All flown by pilots of course, who are never inattentive or careless, or allow their kid to fly.

Imagine, for a moment, a Reklaw Fly-In with a dozen camera drones on site.

Gents, it's a time to be careful what you wish for, and set a good example.

I agree Dan!!
As long as the quad operator got permission from every six figure investment he operated over and he is properly insured for any damage his craft could do if it lost power and damaged a plane...I don't see a problem. I assume these things have an FAA identification number of some sort to track ownership right?

The video is outstanding and the area looks great. I've put it on my places to visit list.
As long as the quad operator got permission from every six figure investment he operated over and he is properly insured for any damage his craft could do if it lost power and damaged a plane...I don't see a problem.

And all, absolutely all, pilots are briefed on what is taking place. Should be no different than formation flying. Every maneuver should be pre briefed.

Excellent footage can be achieved with min risk to all. FAA opinions may differ greatly from any of us pilots and airplane owners.
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As long as the quad operator got permission from every six figure investment he operated over and he is properly insured for any damage his craft could do if it lost power and damaged a plane...I don't see a problem. I assume these things have an FAA identification number of some sort to track ownership right?

The video is outstanding and the area looks great. I've put it on my places to visit list.

Having flown RC all my life, and drones as well, drone activity is no different than RC helicopters and thus should be operated under the rules of the AMA. Membership in the AMA provides liability coverage provided you adhere to their rules and regulations. Gory details can be had here:

Granted, the technology we are seeing advancing in drones is opening up the market to folks who have never worked their way up in gaining RC experience and that's the only concern I have. To fly RC jets requires an AMA waiver and the process to get one is just as stringent as getting an LOA for an experimental jet in the EAB world.

With all that said, of course you will have renegades who don't join the AMA or adhere to their bylaws. It's similar to private pilots who fly IFR illegally or don't adhere to other standards and get away with it.

The FAA has a relationship with the AMA and thus is why you will not hear much from the FAA themselves regarding drones except when they are being used for commercial purposes.