Mike Armstrong

Well Known Member
Awfully quiet 'round these here parts lately. I'll be glad when Sun n Fun and Osh come around to hear some news and see some more pics of the -12 in flight. Maybe even the completed -12 and S-19 (its closest competitor in my opinion) side by side surrounded by a curious and excited crowd....well, maybe. We'll see :D

Mike Armstrong said:
Awfully quiet 'round these here parts lately. I'll be glad when Sun n Fun and Osh come around to hear some news and see some more pics of the -12 in flight. Maybe even the completed -12 and S-19 (its closest competitor in my opinion) side by side surrounded by a curious and excited crowd....well, maybe. We'll see :D

No joke! I don't know is someone threw a wet blanket on the discussion and squashed the forum or people just grew tired of hashing over old news. I'm heading to Sun and Fun but won't be able to stay Friday and hear Van speak about the 12. Hopefully someone else can report on that forum. The last I heard Rans is not going to have the S-19 at Sun and Fun but plans to bring it to Oshkosh. Has anyone heard if the RV-12 prototype is going to be at Sun and Fun?
Now squashing going on here :) .

I would imagine some news from the mother ship might be coming down the line in a bit. I talk to Ken Krueger occasionally and he's always working on the -12 when we talk. There is a lot to test and work out <g>.

I really don't know any new news, but I'm sure I'll get an email when there is some.

I'm betting the 'news' part will come from Sun n Fun and the 'flying' part will be at Osh. Personally, after years of contemplation, research and lurking about the internet, I'll be returning to Osh this year to make my final decision as to what to build. The LSA eligible list has grown sufficiantly to really be able to pick and choose. That includes not only those that will be on display at the LSA Mall but many others throughout AirVenture's vast assembly of booths, tents, hangers and grounds. The -12, though a favorite, has an ever increasing number of competitors.
LOL, I'm just happy to have a new thread to type into - thanks Mike.

My guess is that the next communication from Van's will not be an update, but facts as to performance, pricing and availability. The problem is I don't think we'll hear from Van's until AirVenture.

So between now and then we'll just have to make stuff up. :D
RV6junkie said:
So between now and then we'll just have to make stuff up. :D

Well, in that case....

I heard, through a very private source, that Vans has been secretly working on a tandem taildragger version of the -12. Yes, thats right, basically an LSA RV-8! Oh, and much faster too!!! :D
My 'Private Source' told me the new
LSA-8 would also be a 'fastback'
and have the ability to use flush rivits.
Stop it!

It's not April 1'st yet!!! :eek:

Don't be talking about a "fast back, tandem, RV-12"!

Unless you are telling the truth, then you can talk all ya' want....... :D

Trying to get me to sell my new plane already, SHEESH!

tomwebster said:
My 'Private Source' told me the new
LSA-8 would also be a 'fastback'
and have the ability to use flush rivits.

Tom, I asked my private source if he knew you. He said that info is private, so that confirms it! I cant wait!!
Well if we can't be educational and informative we might as well be entertaining. And this was very entertaining. Thanks guys. Why were dreaming of a Tandum, Fastback, Taildragger RV-12 why not stuff a Rotax radial in it and make a mini Sukhoi SU29 look alike?
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FrankS said:
a Tandum, Fastback, Taildragger RV-12 Rotax radial mini Sukhoi SU29 look alike

Frank, I demand to speak to your source immediately! Mr. VanGrunsven, you've got some splaining to do sir!!

That is ROTEC radial mister....

I like, I like! ;)


FrankS said:
Well if we can't be educational and informative we might as well be entertaining. And this was very entertaining. Thanks guys. Why were dreaming of a Tandum, Fastback, Taildragger RV-12 why not stuff a Rotax radial in it and make a mini Sukhoi SU29 look alike?
LSA speed?

Hey, it won't matter how fast it is if the cloaking device works as well as is rumored!

Bob Kelly