
Well Known Member
Ok, that's a public announcement :)

A strong friendship reinforced during another RV-8 construction gave us the energy to become a team.

I helped Francesco 'Franz' Dante to complete his project that is an airplane from only a week. Now we have I-LUKE my 8, and I-EIGT another one.

Franz is a friend, an Italian Airforce instructor, an avid aviator and a jet pilot for an historical group (Aermacchi MB326 Team).

CrewRV8 is born, here are the first photos but ... the best is yet to come.

Stay tuned !







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Well done!

That's fantastic news. Keep the photos coming. The 8s look really great!
Congratulazioni Luca! I really like your new paint scheme, and both planes look great. I'm also anxious to see the new photos and video. Ho un buon motivo per recarsi in Italia per vedere il tuo spettacolo!
Luke - All I can say is that you Italians have class!


This big world is very small. Hard to believe that a small Oregon, USA company has such an impact, even in Europe.

I live 35 miles from the factory and have been involved in RVs since 1984. I still enjoy my RV-4, that I converted to a fastback about 3 years ago, very much. Locally some of the excitement of the RVs may have subsided just a little, but the rest of the world, in recent years seems to have really embraced the various designs created by Dick VanGrunsven.

I'm happy that you Europeans aren't too proud to express your enjoyment of these aircraft made in America. They're simple, straight forward and do many things very well.

Jake Thiessen
Independence, Oregon