Greg Arehart

Well Known Member
I have sent a couple emails to Bill at CreativeAir (now Whiskey Victor) regarding a wingtip LED light that has quit working, but no response. Anybody out there know if he is still in business? The website is still up. I cannot find a phone number or I would try calling.

Thanks for any help,

I've sent three emails to that address and no response.


Thanks for the info, I'll try to reach him that way.

Same problem here...

I made an order a month ago... nothing has shipped, no answer to an email...

Greg did you get a response? I'm a bit worried. I'd to have to dispute the charges and cancel my order.


Phone contact worked well and I got some satisfaction. Turned out that his stuff is made by an outfit in Indiana, so I just shipped to them and it was turned around in a week.

Although others seem to have had good luck with the email, given the generally poor response to my inquiries, next time I would go with another vendor - there are plenty of more responsive folks out there.

I'm hesitant to post the phone number here, so email me directly ([email protected]) and I'll send it to you.

I had a terrible time and experience in regard to communication and getting a response from him.

Good luck
I bought all my lighting from him. Combo LED nav/landing light and tip strobes with power pack.

I had some issues getting my stuff. But eventually it all came. I had several email communications back and forth, well mostly back, his replies were always vague and not clear. I had questions about the strobe wiring and breaker requirements. If I had do do over, I'd go with another mfg. That being said, I find that several supplies in aviation really are not so good at communication and product delivery. I am sure that the profits are terrible and its just not possible to hire office staff to handle support issues.
Well before I had seen this thread, I had made an order on Bill's site. That was in May and I haven't received it yet. Several Emails and calls to him using the addresses on the PayPal site have gone unanswered.

My question to others who have dealt with Bill in the past: Do you think I should wait a bit longer for Bill to respond or do you think I should just proceed with the claims process with PayPal?

Thanks for your input
My two cents is that there are other folks out there who are more responsive, thus I would be reluctant to go this route again. Business, and especially the small community of aviation business, is about service.

To answer your question, I would call him if you want any results: 719-266-2388 or 719-510-0854 are the numbers I have.

I couldn't get any response to multiple emails, and I couldn't get through via phone to him at all. In the end, I had to dispute the credit card charges. After all that, as far as I'm concerned it's a fraudulant business. The website should really be taken down.

FYI, if you paid via pay pal with a credit card on the backend, it's going to be much easier to dispute the charge with your credit card company than with pay pal.

He is currently changing hangars at Meadow Lake airport. I was kicked out of my spot so he could move in.
The lights that I had ordered were the single MR-16 Halogen light kit for the tips. Van's only has the four light installation kit.

I've decided that I will be fabricating the installation myself. But I am having a hard time finding the spring screw hardware on the web. Is there another name for it or do the spring and the screw have to be ordered separately? Is there a special nomenclature for the hardware?

Has anyone made their own installation? If so, can you provide info on the hardware and a source for the hardware? I have not been very successful at finding any good sources of locally available special hardware.
It's just a regular screw about 4" long.. nothing special about it.. you can get it at any hardware store.. just find a spring that has matching I.D... and you're all set.