
Well Known Member
Finally split the case of a 0-320b3b that has been in my basement for years in a disassembled state. What should I look for to determine the condition of the case? I have looked it over and can find no cracks and the bearing surfaces are nice and smooth with very little sigh of fretting. Or should I just automatically bite the financial bullet and send it out for OH? If it does need OH will it still be able to use std size bearings? Thanks for the patience of the forum and the help.
Did you find out what the engine was? You said in an earlier post that the guy at G&N had never seen a case like it.

I would send it off to Divco if it were mine.

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called lycoming

and gave them the serial number off the case and they said it was originally a b1b that was modified into a b3b. I think the guys at G and N were pulling my leg.
Send them out

Send the case out. You will not be able to detect every possible crack or issue with the bare eye. I even sent the accessory case for inspection and sump for swaging. This is not a place to cut back IMHO. My case also went to DIVCO.
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Jim if it was me doing it I'd send the parts out and have them checked. I'd also have the case align bored. In fact there are so many things I'd have checked there just isn't time to list it here. You may feel pretty good about your parts now but if your like most everybody else when the time comes to fly it your going to get the what ifs if you don't have concrete data.