
Well Known Member
I am going back and forth on the Catto vs. Vans Sensenich FP. On Vans order form you can choose between a 2 1/4" spacer and a 4" spacer. The Sam James cowl says it requires a 4" spacer for the RV-8. Are these the same thing? I had written off the SJ cowl for the Catto because I didn't want to spend another $400 on the prop extension but if the Sene. comes with the spacer I may do it.
Yes.. that's it..

But then, you could buy "shorty" SJ cowl that requires the standard 2.25 spacer...either way, you will be all set if going with Sensenich... spacer of your choice and matching prop bolts included.
Ah, you may be right.. missed that little detail :)

In that case, 4" spacer would be required..
Shorter cowl for RV-8

There were developing a shorter one for the RV-8/8A though. I think. Worth contacting them and asking...
Anyone know if vans puts the lower scoop on any of their cowls. I got a parts list that said "W/O scoop" for the Vans stock RV-8 cowl. It would be alot more work to have to add that to the cowl.
briand said:
Anyone know if vans puts the lower scoop on any of their cowls. I got a parts list that said "W/O scoop" for the Vans stock RV-8 cowl. It would be alot more work to have to add that to the cowl.

Van's cowl comes in two flavors - with and without the scoop. Those of us with updraft carbs have scoops, so yup, they ship a lot of them that way!

AntiGravity said:
There were developing a shorter one for the RV-8/8A though. I think. Worth contacting them and asking...

This is the response I received:

Is there a plan for a shorter RV-8 cowl that only requires
the 2 1/8 prop spacer?

Hello Brian,

I'm sorry but at present there are no plans for a "shorty" RV-8. If
are concerned about aerobatic capabilities, my understanding is that
prop extension will limit you to 3.5 G's. Please let us know if we can
answer any other questions.

Thank you,


...I stand corrceted. I'm sure I read or was told that at some point in the past though. Ah well. Thanks for checking...