When installing an ADS-B out unit, the avionics tech noticed that the upper engine mount brackets on my RV9 appears to have cracked. In looking at the lower ones, they may be cracked also. Hear are some pics of the uppers. Anyone have this same issue? I saw some older posts from 8-9 years ago about something similar, but those discussions appeared to be restricted to earlier model RV4's. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.




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I can't see the pics either.

Are you talking about the internal powder-coated pieces? When I received my QB fuselage, I was very concerned about what appeared to be cracks in these pieces, but it turns out that they were intentionally split to better nest in the aluminum angle they're fastened to, and when they were powder-coated, that split appears as a crack.

I don't have a pic of mine at the ready, but if I find one I'll post it.

Edit: Aha! Here's a pic, though not a great one. On the lower mount piece, on the section that extends rearward (with bolts on the horizontal surface and rivets on the vertical), the split is in the vee of this angle. Van's assured me this is per design. All four mounts are built this way. If the crack is elsewhere, then there is cause for concern.

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Thats funny. The guy doing my Static, pitot and Transponder check said the same thing. I spent a few worried minutes looking at the plans.
They are split from Van's but it sure looks like a crack.
for, me, when I go to the pic upload icon, I see there is already a https thing in the box, I delete that first, and then paste.
Pictures are fine now.

Like Chris said...No worrries...go out and fly!! As I'm sure you are, I was so relieved to find out this was normal.
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Thank you for all the replies so far and the patience with my lack of uploading skills. I am relieved to hear that those look normal, as replacing them seemed quite a chore.
Well, they don't really "look" normal - they look all screwed up like a soup sandwich - but they are in fact meant to be that way.

Build on.
I dunno

One of those brackets (can't tell left or right, but it's the first photo) looks awfully weird - not split like designed, but cracked. Why is it so jagged? Mine are straight and smooth edged.
One of those brackets (can't tell left or right, but it's the first photo) looks awfully weird - not split like designed, but cracked. Why is it so jagged? Mine are straight and smooth edged.

I believe it has to do with the powder coating process, which may have changed over the years. The jagged part is the powder coat.
It looks like in the pics above that the original powdercoating covered over the split. Then it, the powdercoating, eventually cracked allowing the split in the bracket to show. If thats the case there should be no worries.
Thank you for all the replies so far and the patience with my lack of uploading skills. I am relieved to hear that those look normal, as replacing them seemed quite a chore.

Rest easy, you are not alone. You probably felt the same surreal feeling of fear, elevated heart rate and doom all at once, like I did when I looked down and found that CRACK!! Vans got an immediate call, tech question windows were no barrier.
Very very glad to read this thread! Noticed the same thing on my QB fuse awhile ago but didn't get around to posting or asking Vans. I think I was putting off what I assumed was going to be a major headache...
Sent the pics in this thread, and a few more that I took, to Van's and they confirmed that the brackets are supposed to look that way. :)