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Does anyone have suggestions to keep a crack from "running" other than drilling stop holes? I have two small cracks forming at the leading edge of my rudder.


Try to inject some sealant in behind the skin to help dampen vibration. If the crack is coming out of the hinge cutout radius, stop drilling with a larger radius will help to (blair cutter). Filing it out is another possibility depending on length and location with respect to underlying structure. It's location is a concern, I would be keeping a close eye on it.

Thanks for the tips. I will try the sealant idea. The cracks are both near rivets but not near the hinges.

Any chance you can Pro-Seal a doubler over the area? The doubler ought to be the thickness of the skin.

I'm thinking that ideally the doubler should be inside, which would look better and permit the inspection of the cracks.

Why don't you want to stop-drill them?
