I was working on my RV-3 and found cracks on each top side of the rudder horn. What is the easiest way to repair this? Would it be, building a new rudder? or unskin the rudder and change the whole front bulkhead of the rudder?
After about a year I found 2 small cracks in the rudder of our plane. I stop drilled the cracks, filled the holes with RTV, touch up painted them and kept flyling to see if more appeared. That was 3 years ago. I did purchase a new rudder kit and it is still in the box. This is not unusual for the earlier kits as they were thinner material. I suspect that there wasn't enough or no Proseal under the stiffeners to dampen vibration.
I don't think proseal will fix what you are describing. Take a picture of it and send it to Vans. If you can post it here, maybe someone has already had this problem and has a fix. I know I am stating the obvious, but you don't want that breaking in the air.