
Well Known Member
I've started working on my ailerons and when I started prepping the parts I noticed cracks in the A-704. Every single part is cracked. I've e-mailed Vans to see what they have to say, but has anyone else seen this? Anyone know if this is this normal for these parts?


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Interesting, both with and across the grain, inside and outside.

I would also expect cracks originating from the flange reliefs not the center of the flanges.

What material/temper is spec'd on the drawing(s)?
Just heard back from Vans. They are going to replace all of the parts. It's such a strange problem to find.
I received parts recently that exhibited the same cracking (except I don’t think mine were cracked all the way through). I missed this thread as I was assembling my ailerons and pressed with closing out one of them, as I inspected all four I had on hand and since they were all the same I assumed (wrongly) it was normal.

With the email this evening from Van’s admitting it was a bad batch that was improperly heat treated, I’m left wondering what to do with the closed out aileron. Do I drill out everything to replace these two nose ribs or press with them and just inspect regularly?

I’ve emailed Van’s but curious to see what others think while I sit this weekend and try and get hold of the paint shop to put a stop on painting the aileron I may need to disassemble.
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I received parts recently that exhibited the same cracking (except I don’t think mine were cracked all the way through). I missed this thread as I was assembling my ailerons and pressed with closing out one of them, as I inspected all four I had on hand and since they were all the same I assumed (wrongly) it was normal.

With the email this evening from Van’s admitting it was a bad batch that was improperly heat treated, I’m left wondering what to do with the closed out aileron. Do I drill out everything to replace these two nose ribs or press with them and just inspect regularly?

I’ve emailed Van’s but curious to see what others think while I sit this weekend and try and get hold of the paint shop to put a stop on painting the aileron I may need to disassemble.

Sorry to say, but I would replace while you can.
Sorry to say, but I would replace while you can.

I would replace now, It'll be better than having to replace on a finished airplane.

In the context of a finished aileron, is that even feasible without de-skinning the entire assembly? I suppose in theory the three AN470-4 rivets that attach each rib to the spar could be drilled out and then have cherry max substituted on installation of the new parts, but due to the angles it wouldn’t take much to wallow out a hole on the spar in the removal process.
I have not received my kit yet…it’s on the boat…but I’ll be inspecting absolutely everything with a fine toothed comb! I have asked for the aileron nose ribs to be replaced which they will do as they have contacted me with regards a faulty batch within the time frame my kit was being produced. They will arrive with back ordered parts not in my kit. Replace them….they have missed heat treatment. :eek:
I have not received my kit yet…it’s on the boat…but I’ll be inspecting absolutely everything with a fine toothed comb! I have asked for the aileron nose ribs to be replaced which they will do as they have contacted me with regards a faulty batch within the time frame my kit was being produced. They will arrive with back ordered parts not in my kit. Replace them….they have missed heat treatment. :eek:

I'm glad they contacted you. I just found these on my own and they didn't fess up to it being a bad batch to me. Just that they would replace them. I just hope I don't have other time bombs somewhere else in my kit. This calls for extra vigilance I guess.

I received parts recently that exhibited the same cracking (except I don’t think mine were cracked all the way through). I missed this thread as I was assembling my ailerons and pressed with closing out one of them, as I inspected all four I had on hand and since they were all the same I assumed (wrongly) it was normal.

I almost built on too. When all of the parts had the same cracking, I almost assumed it was normal too. I just happened to find them at just the right time that I had some time between find and need to e-mail vans just for peace of mind.