
I have an RV-3, O-320-E2D 150 HP newly rebuilt, Warnke prop, and the spinner just developed a crack. The spinner could be as old as the plane (more than 30 years old) but I don't know, I bought the plan only 2 years ago.

The crack started at the radius about the leading edge of one of the prop blades. I check my spinner carefully at every preflight, so the crack is new I am sure. I stop drilled it immediately, it was about 3/4 inch long, but the crack continued the next flight. It is a little over an inch long now. I am hesitant to stop drill it again, just to see it keep cracking. I won't fly the plane again until I figure this out....

Any suggestions on the best way to fix this AND keep it from happening again? I am based at Spinks (just south of Fort Worth Texas), if repair is recommended, can anyone recommend someone to repair the spinner near there?

Also, what is the best source for a new spinner (aluminum) if I decide to go new rather than repair?

Jim Hogue
RV-3 N1428Z
Cracked Spinner

Patching may not be a good idea. It gets out of balance. When a spinner departs the airplane it often takes part of the prop with it. You don't want to know what thats like, even in an RV. Buy a new glass one from Van's or find a spun aluminum one from ACS that will fit. Good luck.
I had this same thing happen to me on a twin comanche about five years ago. Had a small crack in the same place as yours. Had it stop drilled, just like you. Then the crack got a little longer the very next flight. I was away from base, so I had it stop drilled again to get home. By the time I got home, about a 30 minute flight, I was missing 75% of the entire spinner!

I wouldn't fly it again until you get a new spinner. At least take it off completely, if you think you will get enough engine cooling. Most mechanics won't patch a spinner on a certified machine, by the way. Before you put on a new spinner, find out what is out of balance, causing the cracks. I had a completely different prop than you, but in my case, it turned out to be a cracked prop hub. That airplane is trying to talk to you!

Please do not fly the aircraft untill you REPLACE the spinner. I know of an excellent shop in Atlanta that re-welds (repairs) metal spinners. I do suggest replacing the spinner if it is cracked... if it comes of... it could ruin your prop, cowl, count as a propstrike... or who knows... If I was close... I'd come look. If you have any questions please write... ALSO..... I cannot stress enough on the point of balancing your prop dynamically.
Best of Luck
Brian Wallis