Question for those who recently put their engine in…when attaching the engine mount instructions say to route the CPS 1&2 wires through the engine mount differently than Rotax has them already routed - which aren’t in the way of the mount anyway. Asked Vans about needing to do that (as Rotax routing looks nice already) and they sent some pics of a recent build they did which doesn’t appear they altered the Rotax routing either(hard to tell for sure but it looks like mine). I’m inclined to leave it the way it is as maybe this was a recent Rotax improvement - I seem to be running into more and more items in the instructions that have been improved upon and aren’t shown in the instructions so thinking this may be that situation too.

Any comments/thoughts on that?

Did the re-route

I had a similar situation -the Rotax routing did not match the before pictures in the instructions. But after putting the mount on - there was a possible interference so I took the connectors off the support bracket (had to take both sides of all 3 off) and did it per the plans. The wires running from the sensors to the connectors are now good - the wires from the connectors to the main cable may need an additional tie wrap. I will defer that until the engine is in to do that.
Another change I had was that the molded radiator hose you are told to remove so you can modify the sleeve on it and cut it shorter - had no sleeve. Vans support indicated that was a Rotax change & that I did not have to remove it, just cut it per the later instructions.
I had a similar situation -the Rotax routing did not match the before pictures in the instructions. But after putting the mount on - there was a possible interference so I took the connectors off the support bracket (had to take both sides of all 3 off) and did it per the plans. The wires running from the sensors to the connectors are now good - the wires from the connectors to the main cable may need an additional tie wrap. I will defer that until the engine is in to do that.
Another change I had was that the molded radiator hose you are told to remove so you can modify the sleeve on it and cut it shorter - had no sleeve. Vans support indicated that was a Rotax change & that I did not have to remove it, just cut it per the later instructions.

Thanks - no interference on mine so I'm going to leave it until I see a problem I'm thinking. Wish I'd known that radiator hose info - that was a pain to remove - expecting it's no party to get back on...oh well. Good info anyway.