
I?m building a RV-8 and am a private pilot about to start my CPL course. Does anybody know if flown hours in a experimental plane counts as part of the 150 required in order to obtain my license?

Does anybody know if flown hours in a experimental plane counts as part of the 150 required in order to obtain my license?


I believe you're from Spain. I am unfamiliar with Spain rules and regs, but in Canada, so long as it is in the same category it is legal and every hour counts.

Amateur Built/Experimental Aircraft are in the same category as Certified Aircraft as opposed to other categories such as Gliders, Ultralights, Balloons, and Airships. Best to give your local authority a call. Remember that they work for you and are there for you!
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Yes, I?m spanish but moving to Brazil in a couple of months where I plan to finish my bird and start the CPL course. I know that in Spain is legal but supposing that Brazil licenses follows the FAA directives posted this thread to hear from you (FAA countries).
