
Well Known Member
I'm working on fitting the front cowl--using Dan Horton's method. The nose of the cowlings appear to be offset--there is about .65" difference (measured at the edge of the cowling) between the left and right side--same for both upper and lower cowling parts. I assume the nose is supposed to be canted--just wanted a sanity check before I proceed further. Thanks in advance.

The second thread Don linked too is the most to the point.
The cowl is supposed to be that way for the engine angle offset that is built into the engine mount.
I still had to do some filling on mine to get the gap to the spinner consistant. So, you may have the same issue.
Don, thanks for the kind words as well as the links. I looked at a number of links, but somehow missed these. Confirms what I suspected--cowling offset is to compensate for the engine being offset--found no mention of this in the plans. Keep up the good work on your bird. Thanks again.