
Active Member

I installed a new 3-blade prop and getting ready to modify the lower cowling to get it on. It is the MT Prop on a RV9A with a O-360 in it.

Based on other threads it looks like the only modification is extending the groove for the nose wheel about 10"

Is this correct? Wanted to double check before I start cutting.

Any other advise for this would be appreciated.

Extending the length of the gear leg slot in the bottom cowl should be all the is necessary, but an additional 10 inches sounds a bit excessive.

I suggest you start with 6 inches and see if you can get it on and off. Incrementally increase it as needed, until you can.

If yours has the snorkel underneath and you want s bit bigger project, cut it off and glass in a new back plate with dzeus receptacles. If the snorkel is removable, it is much easier to get the lower cowling on and off. Also, a lot of maintenance can bee done without removing it at all. We did this to my wife's RV-3 and it's a great mod.
Thanks for the advice. Right now I am more excited to fly my new prop and don't want to start on a project that big. I cut the 6" slot yesterday and it worked perfect. The cowling went on pretty easy. Unfortunately, I need to trim the back of the spinner now because it's too tight.

Once she is back in the air I'll look into the snorkel removal mod.

Must Have From ASA

?.Many people are not aware of one of our new products now available on our
website that vastly improves your odds of not doing paint and glass damage
when removing your lower cowl or working on your plane. You just pop this on
and you will have some serious protection in place. Please have a look and let
us know your thoughts. Thanks, Allan...:D

OMG, gonna get me one-

I always lay down a couple strips of duct tape down the fairing when I drop the cowl, then spent half hour with mineral spirits getting the gunk off - this is the perfect solution!!!

Bountiful, Utah
OMG, gonna get me one-

I always lay down a couple strips of duct tape down the fairing when I drop the cowl, then spent half hour with mineral spirits getting the gunk off - this is the perfect solution!!!

Bountiful, Utah

...These really do work great, and they will last the life of your airplane! We
have them for all RV models as well as many other aircraft. Thanks, Allan..
If yours has the snorkel underneath and you want s bit bigger project, cut it off and glass in a new back plate with dzeus receptacles. If the snorkel is removable, it is much easier to get the lower cowling on and off. Also, a lot of maintenance can bee done without removing it at all. We did this to my wife's RV-3 and it's a great mod.

I did this on my last RV-10 and also did it on my -9A I am building now. It makes the lower cowling removal a breeze, especially on a 3 blade prop like I have on the -9A.