
Well Known Member
While awaiting delivery of my avionics I have delved into a few tasks preparing for the move to engine installation and fitting up the cowling. With a bit of enthusiasm I pulled out the long-stored cowling halves and examined the fit of the front face. I placed a straight edge across the bottom cowl at the base of the joggle and discovered quite an asymmetry. The face to be positioned a nice 1/4 inch aft of the spinner is tilted laterally:




As you can see form the photos, the sides are of equal height at the level of the air inlets; the tilt seems to be entirely in the central flanges. The top half of the cowl matches this tilt even though the two pieces are of two different tints and appear to be of different ages.

My question is this. How would experienced cowl fitters proceed? I am preparing a 13" wooden disk, as Dan H has so nicely demonstrated, to assure proper size of the opening and establish a horizontal separation line but what to do with the tilt?

I see two choices: leave it as is for now and correct the tilt after fitting the cowl; or attempt to cut and level the individual halves before fitting the cowl. (I believe the tilt is too great to try to heat-shape and that would render the air inlets asymmetrical.)

The group's thoughts/advice would be welcome.
Cowlings take some time. I start with the engine, propeller and spinner on the aircraft. the front right corner always gives me a bit of trouble and I end up with epoxy and filler both inside and out side to mary them up after the two cowls are final fit on the aircraft.
Don't touch it!

If you are concerned, make a quick call to Van's but I believe you will find that this is intentional.
I believe the motor mount is offset at an angle. Your cylinders are also offset.
Experienced 8 builders can chime in, but I wouldn't assume that anything is wrong with your cowling until you have everything fit up.
The "tilt" you illustrate is intentional and desired. The engine is mounted at an angle; the prop flange is on the aircraft centerline while the accessory end is shifted to the left. So, the spinner face is angled to the right, just as you see with your straightedge.
Boy do I feel dumb!

I knew the engine was mounted at an angle, I just never imagined it was so apparent. In fact I have been laboring with this non-problem since I discovered it last night. Of course this explains why the top section so nicely matches the tilt. This was the evidence I overlooked, so convinced was I that I had a problem. Even learned how to post pictures so I could demonstrated my inexperience to all. Ah well, now I can share pictures of my G3X when I get it installed and lit up.

Dan thanks for the quick answer.