
Active Member
We recently changed the adjustable receptacles for our cowling fasteners to a much better design. The older style receptacle cage was made of thin aluminum with small tabs bent around the receptacle body to retain it. This cage allowed the standard 1/16? float fore and aft but, much more side to side. Over time in the field, the tabs were sometimes bent back open by pressure exerted on the fastener when engaging the mechanism. This can lead to the receptacle body becoming loose or a possible failure of the system.

We now use a fully enclosed cage to encapsulate the adjustable receptacle body (original Camloc? style). It allows an industry standard 1/16? float in any direction which is enough to provide relief for minor misalignment from stud to receptacle but, not so much that it allows excessive shifting of the panel. In addition this configuration positively and permanently retains the receptacle body and allows us to offer the receptacles in a variety of materials. (Zinc Plated Steel, Aluminum or Stainless). Also, we are using a metal anti-lock pin for the initial depth adjustment. This pin can be re-installed after the initial fitting so that if further adjustment is required later, a separate pick tool is not necessary.

Late last year we also updated the fasteners themselves to make them stronger and the heads tougher when engaging the screwdriver to prevent stripping / galling. If anyone who participated in our previous group buys wants to swap out the older style components with the updated versions just let me know.

Best Regards,
Jeremy Summers
MilSpec Products, Inc.
T. 352-735-0065
If anyone who participated in our previous group buys wants to swap out the older style components with the updated versions just let me know.

Best Regards,
Jeremy Summers
MilSpec Products, Inc.
T. 352-735-0065
For anyone who didn't have the fortune of the great deal Jeremy offered us last year, this is a great example of his service! I bought a firewall kit from him and was absolutely pleased with the service. Am planning to buy a few extras from him once I get started on the cowling.
I can tell you a little about dealing with MilSpec Products. I bought a kit in the first group buy about 2 years ago. At that time they supplied slightly longer studs and it was found that shorter studs fit better. Since I am finally getting around to fitting my cowl, I called Jeremy a couple of weeks ago and asked if I could swap the -3 studs for -2 studs. He said no problem, but send the whole kit back so he could upgrade everything to the latest version. I did so and had them back in about a week.

Total bill - $0, he wouldn't even let me pay for shipping them back to me.

This kind of service for something that was originally sold 2 years ago is well beyond the norm. I can't say enough good things about these guys.
excellent customer service!

I participated in a group buy awhile back for the kit to do my cowl, and I finally got started with it and called Milspec just to ask a question or two. I got Jeremy on the phone, and he didn't hesitate to offer to exchange my older style fasteners to this new updated version. super nice guy, and first rate service. You can bet that they'll get more business from me.

I'll have to second the remarks about Jeremy's great customer service. I too participated in the group buy back in 2005. When I heard that the shorter studs fit better, I figured I was out of luck since I had taken everything out of its original packaging. Since I'm starting to work on the cowling, I emailed Jeremy anyway a couple of weeks ago and he was gracious enough to let me send back the whole kit and get the new upgraded version of all of the parts. No charge. Definitely a class act. He's got my business in the future for sure.

PJ Seipel
RV-10 #40032
Group Buy

We recently changed the adjustable receptacles for our cowling fasteners to a much better design. The older style receptacle cage was made of thin aluminum with small tabs bent around the receptacle body to retain it. This cage allowed the standard 1/16? float fore and aft but, much more side to side. Over time in the field, the tabs were sometimes bent back open by pressure exerted on the fastener when engaging the mechanism. This can lead to the receptacle body becoming loose or a possible failure of the system.

We now use a fully enclosed cage to encapsulate the adjustable receptacle body (original Camloc? style). It allows an industry standard 1/16? float in any direction which is enough to provide relief for minor misalignment from stud to receptacle but, not so much that it allows excessive shifting of the panel. In addition this configuration positively and permanently retains the receptacle body and allows us to offer the receptacles in a variety of materials. (Zinc Plated Steel, Aluminum or Stainless). Also, we are using a metal anti-lock pin for the initial depth adjustment. This pin can be re-installed after the initial fitting so that if further adjustment is required later, a separate pick tool is not necessary.

Late last year we also updated the fasteners themselves to make them stronger and the heads tougher when engaging the screwdriver to prevent stripping / galling. If anyone who participated in our previous group buys wants to swap out the older style components with the updated versions just let me know.

Best Regards,
Jeremy Summers
MilSpec Products, Inc.
T. 352-735-0065
How about another group buy for us newbies to the group that were not around in '05?
Put me on the list for a 9A,
Mike H 9A/8A

First, Thank you guys for the kind words above. Usually when you offer a product you only hear about the bad. When the part works perfectly as advertised you don't hear anything and people carry on with the next item on their agenda. So, thank you for the support.

A few questions have come up since my original post. So here are the answers regarding the swapping out of components. Basically what I have in mind is that if you bought a kit or individual parts before (old style) and have not yet installed them just send them back with your invoice copy and I will swap out the necessary parts at no cost. Assuming of course that you want to swap aluminum receptacles for aluminum or zinc plated steel. New stainless receptacles would add a little cost to the deal depending on how many sets are involved. The only thing I ask is that you pick up the shipping (Paul caught me on a good day). If you have already installed the fasteners, send me a copy of your invoice and I will send you the new parts at regular cost less 30% if you pick up the shipping (last group buy discounted rate). If you have Skybolt??? parts and want to upgrade, I will supply all new MilSpec components at regular price less 10%. All tools, templates and mounting parameters remain the same. Our instructions have been updated a little but nothing major. You can download a copy from our website or I will include a copy with exchanges.

Why would I do this? Because I want to supply the best possible parts that truly live up to the MilSpec name. That, and I am trying to butter one of you up for a ride in your RV. :D

As for another group buy, I don?t know. Do we have enough interest?

MilSpec Products, Inc.
T. 352-735-0065
I'm interested too....Installed prop today and will start on cowl tomorrow. Any chance a past group discount will be available it I buy a whole set on Monday???

Webb Willmott
Jackson, MS
Think someone can rattle Jeremy's cage and we can get a deal next week? I'm calling on Monday and willing to grovel for the good of the group.

So far - it looks like there are between 5 and 10 that would pull the trigger.

Does anyone have his email and can send him a request that all these humble RV builders would be appreciative of just a few crumbs thrown their way for a group buy??
Hi all,

It looks like there is some interest in another group buy. I have asked Doug if it is O.K. with him to use his website to facilitate the promotion and he has been gracious enough to agree (official group buy post to follow in that forum). So, I guess this will be sort of a dual fronted process. First, the exchange offer stands. I think that aspect has been explained in previous posts, PM?s and e-mails but if anyone has questions just let me know.

If you want to get in on this group buy it will work as before. 5 ? 9 participants gets everyone 5% off regular price on kits, 10 ? 19 gets 10%, 20 ? 29 gets 20% and 30+ gets 30%. Prices, details and installation instructions can be seen here . Drilling templates are included in the kits but there are two additional ?special? tools that are not included. They are C-Lock pliers p/n 4P3 regular price $21.00 and retainer tool p/n T-26 regular price $17.00. You may have access to these tools through a local maintenance shop or may be able to borrow them from someone. If not, we will offer a 10% discount on the tools if you purchase them with your kit. All kits will be the modern (upgraded) standard.

The group list will be open through the end of the month 03-31-08. Please call, fax, e-mail or PM me to get on the list ASAP. I will need your kit preference, ?special? tooling requirements (if any), shipping and billing info and a telephone number to reach you if there are any questions. Once we know how many people we have, we will know the final discount rate and we will start shipping. The cost of shipping will be added to the invoice or if you have a UPS / FedEx account number we can bill freight collect. No one will be charged until your parts actually ship. Lead times will depend on how many participants we have and our production schedule. I have some stock available now but from the looks of it so far we will need to run more before it?s all said and done. So for everyone?s benefit please let me know when you place the order if you need your kit right away or if you have some time to play with. This will allow me to get the parts to those that need them first and not hold them up.

I enjoy offering these discounts so everyone can get a good deal but the amount of effort and coordination required to facilitate this program, plan production and still maintain our other commitments is substantial. So this will be the only group buy we offer this year. We may take another look after Sun n Fun 2009. But if you are going to need cowl fasteners this year and want a deal, now is the time to take advantage. I hope everyone understands.

If I have forgotten anything or you need more information, please let me know.

Jeremy Summers
MilSpec Products, Inc.
T 352-735-0065
F 352-735-0504
Hi Jeremy,

I am one of those who had participated in the group buy in '05. I am also one of the slow-builders, so I haven't started on the cowl. I would like to return the original kit to you per your gracious offer. Do you need anything other than the bag of the cowling kit? I purchased the RV67910-C1P kit and will put it in Tuesday's mail.


Gary Baker
RV-6 Fuselage
Medina, OH
I also go in on the group buy a couple of years ago and had not even opened the package. I just called Jeremy and he said he would replace them. Thanks, Jeremy!

One suggestion for everyone asking for this... If you know you will not need your fasteners right away, let Jeremy know in the cover letter you send. I told him I knew I wouldn't need my fasteners in the next 4-6 weeks. That way he can allocate current available inventory to "paying" customers and and have time to adjust his production schedule to handle this "blip" in demand. Jeremy did NOT request this. I just know what kind of havoc these littly demand spikes cause for inventory planners and master schedulers. Jeremy is being extermely gracious here and I think it is only reasonable for us to offer any flexibility we can in return.

O.K. everyone,
DR has made the official post for the group buy on the front page (Thanks Doug!). So whoever wants in that hasn?t done so already, please contact me by telephone, fax, e-mail or PM with your name, shipping address, kit preference, and tool requirements. Once I have this info I will assemble your kit and get everything ready to ship. I will call you before shipping to get billing info. I will also periodically put a post here letting everyone know the participant count so far (discount rate). As of this morning we are at 8 firm commitments from people that I have already had PMs or other contact with. Several more people have posted ?interested? massages in this thread but I don?t have their info yet. We still have time to rally for the max discount so the sooner I get your information the quicker we can get there. The ending date for this group is 03-31-08. If there is anything else I can do for anyone, please let me know.

Jeremy Summers
MilSpec Products, Inc.
T 352-735-0065
F 352-735-0504
[email protected]
Current count

We currently have 18 people signed up with another one interested but as yet uncommited. 2 more gets eveyone 20% off. We still have until the end of the month to rally some more support.

Best regards,
Right On!

Yep, you da' man Peter, 20% confirmed! 1 week left. If anyone needs anything just let me know.

T 352-735-0065
Fastener Group Buy

Please include me in the group buy - sent a PM moments ago.
Thanks for you help!
30% Discount is on!

O.K. everyone, we just hit the 30 people confirmed mark late this afternoon. So, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who honored us with your business! We still have until Monday 03-31-08 for anyone else that wants in or waited to see how deep the discount went (we maxed it out to 30% again):D. Most of the exchanges shipped already and we will finish those up and start shipping the group buy kits on Monday. Let me know if I can be of any assistance. Also, a very special thanks to DR for all he does.

MilSpec Products, Inc.
T. 352-735-0065
Mobile 407-595-7385
Having only finished the emps...and still waiting for the QB wings and fuse to arrive, thus a couple of years away from anything like cowling...I haven't done any thinking or research about cowling fasteners. But am interested in group buys! What should I be considering in this buy? And, why does it not appear in the VAF forum for group buys?

I'm building a -9A.
Hi Ralph,
First you are right, this is a bit down the road for you at this point. So, take your time and make whatever decision you are comfortable with when you are ready.

The debate of cowling fasteners, stock hinges or a combination of the two is a heated one at times. Not as bad as ?primer wars? but, there are varied opinions that you will hear about and eventually come to a personal preference on. Search the threads and you will see what I mean.

The reason this particular thread is not in the regular group buy forum is that this offer was not initially intended to be a ?group buy?. We have done some groups before over the years and from time to time made improvements to the fasteners and kits we offer. Subsequently, I started this thread as a non-profit offer to upgrade the fasteners people had purchased earlier to our modern (better) standard. During the discussion of swapping out parts, one of the newer builders asked about starting another group buy because they missed out previously. After some additional interest was expressed, this thread morphed into a dual headed beast. First for the exchanges, and then a group buy for builders that didn?t have ? turns yet but wanted them for their aircraft. I asked Doug if it was O.K. and he was gracious enough to put a post on the front page of VAF. After that, I sort of took the reigns because I figured he had enough on his plate already. You can still see some details about our previous group(s) for these fasteners in the ?official? group buy forum and by searching the threads, although the dates are older. Any way, if I can be of assistance, give me a call or e-mail at your convenience. In the mean time, keep bucking those rivets? you will be flying before you know it!

Jeremy Summers
MilSpec Products, Inc.
T 352-735-0065
Mobile 407-595-7385
Sent a PM Im in for the VAF Group Buy,

Im in for the VAF Group Buy, im building a 0360, RV7A, standard cowling.

Complete Set 7A Phillips.

Let me know.

Dennis Fox.

Altus, OK

VAF# 1117
Last Day for Group

Thanks, to everyone who participated this time around. Today 03-31-2008 is the last day of the group buy so, if anyone wants to get in at the last minute, please let me know.

MilSpec Products, Inc.
Tel. 352-735-0065
Fax 352-735-0504
To everyone waiting on your parts.

Sorry for the delay but, with all the exchanges plus the group buy hitting us all at once we actually ran out of some components. Honestly I didn?t expect this big of a response (Thanks!). Not to worry though, we are back up to speed on production and should have everyone shipped within a week. Thank you for your patience and if there is anything else I can do please let me know.

T 352-735-0065
Mobile: 407-595-7385
Jeremy: Maybe too late. But.... could you let me know what it would cost for my RV-8 for the firewall end of the upper cowl and the flat bottom firewall segments of the lower cowl?I'd take your advice on materal - SS vs ? but would prefer Phillips screw heads. Thanks in advance - Bill

Our normal FW only, Philips kit for your RV8 is $278.80. The price after the VAF group buy 30% discount is $195.16. This would include 28 fastener sets (stainless, Phillips head studs, grommets, retainers, aluminum adjustable depth receptacles, drill templates, instructions and all the product support you can handle). This is of course assuming that you want to do the entire FW section at the recommended 3.5” – 4” spacing between fasteners. However, if I understand your preference correctly, you want the top FW and lower, side FW locations only, with the belly portion of the FW being some other method of fastening. If this is correct, we can adjust the fastener count to whatever you specify. It seems to me that the count in this configuration would be decreased by 4 – 6 total. If you can verify my logic or tell me where I got off track, I can adjust the count and therefore the price(s) to your preference. Give me a call if you like so we can discuss it further.

T 352-735-0065
Mobile 407-595-7385
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