
Well Known Member
OK so Stein gets kettle corn.....somewhere in Van's universe some one is doing their first flight.......Dan C/Walter T building their 2nd plane.......Doug is fretting about the Comets up coming Saturday Comets comeback....................and I couldn't for the life of me figure why I wasn't getting the perfect spinner to cowl off set. Cowl off and on a hundred time. Yes I do have the top of the engine covered with towel to protect this gem from any drilling fragments. Move ahead..........two days.......got everything done. Good butt lines between cowl and it's neighbors. But the spinner to cowl have a perfect line up fit. Ya great......:confused: perfect when your trying for 1/8 off set for the potential engine sag!!!!!!

Decided to try and see if the hinge pins in the upper cowl to fire
wall attach location would work smoothly (not riveted yet but wanted to try anyway). They worked ......with some minor tweakes). But, in the process the towel covering the engine got snaged and pulled forward a bit as I took the top cowl off.

You have got to be kidding me:eek:the CB707D aft baffle bracket (it was the only part of the baffling stuff left on as I began the cowl fit)that attaches to the aft top engine case was the bad boy causing the cowl to rise upward and thus was the problem :mad:I just knew when I took it off and adjusted it to not cause a problem the rest of the cowl fit would be fubar.......Not So
Put the cowl back on with the offender deleted and walla.......for once LUCK for me:D Cowl fit was better all around!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for telling this story and maybe wasting your time but I had to tell someone and you would think after 3 plus years of building I would have finally learned that if it doesn't fit .........FIND OUT WHY.

Frank @ SGU RV7A Cowl just about done......plane overall is 90% complete but 120% left to do
nice story...bad French

Give me a dozen canopies to do in exchange for one cowl and baffles. By the way...the word you're looking for (walla) is actually Voila pronounced Vwa-la. There's lots of French in these here parts.
RE:Stand corrected

Give me a dozen canopies to do in exchange for one cowl and baffles. By the way...the word you're looking for (walla) is actually Voila pronounced Vwa-la. There's lots of French in these here parts.

Boy I just can't win even with an MBA. French isn't my strong suit or is that suite or .....oh well. I am with you the cowl has been a real chore but is now behind me as regards to the major cuts/hinges./fit/.........

Frank @sgu RV7A cowl 99.9% done
Frank 2

You have an MBA?...Mee too.

Funilly enough FRENCH is NOT my strong suit either...

But might have more to do with my own nationality...:D

wrong again

Give me a dozen canopies to do in exchange for one cowl and baffles. By the way...the word you're looking for (walla) is actually Voila pronounced Vwa-la. There's lots of French in these here parts.

oh its spelled right, and this is the correct terminology. the french just want credit for it. it's actually "redneckanese";)
ditto on the canopy
Frank, the CB-707D you have is for an RV-10. I had the same problem. Got the correct one from Vans.
RE:MY start of a 10

Frank, the CB-707D you have is for an RV-10. I had the same problem. Got the correct one from Vans.

Danny ....don't tell my wife but this just might be the first part for my second project...............:Da 10

Frank @ sgu RV7A Cowl is now fully aligned/drilled/and looks great.