8 Builder

Active Member
After trimming my cowl, I don't have enough cowl lip/edge area for the leaf of the piano hinge to lay flat on just the fiberglass without being partly on the honeycomb. This makes the leaf lay at an angle and the thickness is of course greater. Should I grind the honeycomb away so the leaf of the hinge will lay flat and how would I seal the edge of the honeycomb?
Thanks, Rich
Not really but it was not laying flat and had a rocking motion across the edge of the honeycomb. Anyway; I ground the honeycomb away to achieve good, flat contact and after installing the hinge leaf using epoxy and rivets, I sealed the open wound in the honeycomb with some of the epoxy. Looks good. If any of you are wondering; I used a 4" grinder to remove the honeycomb layer. It is easy to see when you should stop because the honeycomb is not hard like the fiberglass. Just stop at the fiberglass layer under it.