Chipper G

Well Known Member
Fitting the cowl and I have an issue on the left side the cowl is not symmetrical and when I make my horizontal cut, which needs to be perfect lol, I will end up taking more off of the left side. This is not a major deal and expected I have the cowl centered and level. The issue I will run into is after the cut I will be an 1/8" away from the honeycomb structure in the cowl this will put my Skybolt fasteners in a bad spot. Do i need to remove all the honeycomb that will interfere with this? its almost like they put the honey comb 1/2 offset to the left.
Engine thrust angle.

You do know the engine crankshaft is not parallel to the centerline of the fuse, right?

I don't know about the Vans cowl, but the James was shorter on one side than the other, and it's split line was not level with the longeron either.

Just something that may affect your perfection measurements. Not sure about the 8, but real on the 7.
Yes the plane was leveled and the cut is parallel to the longeron. the issue was the left side of the top cowl has the honeycomb 2" further down the edge then on the right side, given the air inlets were laser levelled and matched to the attitude of the plane, its a manufacture defect. I was told its common and remove the honeycomb that interferes and finish back off.