
Well Known Member
Question for the experts. I have one of the older 3s with the cheek extensions that are open on the end. I would like to modify them to the current closed style. If I change the ext to the closed style will it effect the cooling of the engine?I don't know if the open end of the old style was designed that way for cooling. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I assume that you are talking about the ones that are on the fuse?:confused:

Mine have been closed for the last 20 years, no problems, except the oil tends to run too cool.:D

What airport are you based at? I need to fly up for lunch sometime.:D
The cheeks, both old and newer, all seem to have a rib in front for shape anyway which would preclude any airflow through them. Therefore no, it wouldn't imact your cooling. The cheek cowled RVs (3 and 4) both cool very well anyway.
Thanks for the replies guy I will be closing them up. Mike 4J6 come up anytime. I should be heading down your way in the next couple of weeks to see Walt have not told him that yet maybe I can stop in and take a look at your 3 and 4.
