
Well Known Member
I have a 9A and I am ready to cut the aft edge of the top cowl. My confusion is an instruction from Van's on page 12-4 in his manual.

"Block the forward end UP to be 1/8" to 3/16" BELOW the spinner to allow for future engine sag." (CAPS are mine)

Question is: shouldn't this be above the spinner to allow for sag?

Or am I not getting the picture.

Never mind; my wife set me straight. She said "isn't the spinner what sags, not the cowl?"

And she says she doesn't like flying. At the moment I am speechless, which is probable the best thing. :confused:

I have a 9A and I am ready to cut the aft edge of the top cowl. My confusion is an instruction from Van's on page 12-4 in his manual.

"Block the forward end UP to be 1/8" to 3/16" BELOW the spinner to allow for future engine sag." (CAPS are mine)

Question is: shouldn't this be above the spinner to allow for sag?

Or am I not getting the picture.

The instructions are correct. The engine and spinner will (may) sag over time, not the cowl.
It's a good man that listens to his wife and post it for the world to see. Keep up the good work an a questioning attitude.
Van's used to sell cheaper mounts that would sag. The expen$ive ones they sell now are much higher quality and so far I haven't seen any sagginess. I didn't allow for any appreciable sag in my recent cowl fitting. I figure if they do sag, I can always slip in another washer on the lower bolts to raise the engine back up a bit.
Sag also depends on ....

...how long the engine has been hung before you finalize the cowl cuts. If the engine has been on the mounts for , say, six months to a year; I doubt you'll see much sag. On the advice of Vans and many others, I set my cowl for almost 3/8" of sag and - wouldn't you know it - it has not sagged a bit. My sight picture over the cowl today includes a 3/8" annular ring of the back of the spinner, since it sticks up by that much. Ugh.
...how long the engine has been hung before you finalize the cowl cuts. If the engine has been on the mounts for , say, six months to a year; I doubt you'll see much sag. On the advice of Vans and many others, I set my cowl for almost 3/8" of sag and - wouldn't you know it - it has not sagged a bit. My sight picture over the cowl today includes a 3/8" annular ring of the back of the spinner, since it sticks up by that much. Ugh.

I think the instructions were written when Van's was selling Berry mounts. I think they switched to Lord mounts big $$$!!