
Well Known Member
Ordered the Aveo Engineering Zip Tips today and will be abandoning the leading edge lights on my build. Searched the threads but didn?t see any solutions to closing the cutouts. Anyone been down this path and have recommendations?
Ordered the Aveo Engineering Zip Tips today and will be abandoning the leading edge lights on my build. Searched the threads but didn?t see any solutions to closing the cutouts. Anyone been down this path and have recommendations?

Why not just install the plexiglas light lenses. The next owner might want to install lights. Heck, YOU might want to install lights (or cameras) out there some day.
Kyle is right.
As a suggestion you could even paint over the lenses thereby camouflaging em :)
Probably will go with one of those options. Hadn?t thought about cameras there. Thanks for the tips.
Duct works cutouts can be patched

Treat it like any other skin patch
See AC43

Have seen it done and not even noticeable after patching
Probably will go with one of those options. Hadn’t thought about cameras there. Thanks for the tips.

I guess you could ask Steve Melton to print a camera mount that snaps in and out. Steve is behind this thread.

That would be pretty cool!
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Kyle?s idea is quick and easy and nobody would be the wiser.
If you truly want a patch, not easy but if done correctly can look good and purposeful, can be painted etc... AC 43.13-1b page 4-32 shows acceptable practices for patches. I would use that as a guide for rivet type and spacing and for a general idea. A flush patch can be made to look nice. You see them all the time on certified aircraft, access covers, even your wing inspection holes.
I would still use the mounting holes per plans so it could be converted later, as Kyle suggested. It will also look cleaner I think.
The biggest challenge is this is not a flat patch and most folks don?t have tooling to form a joggle (you can rivet a flange on instead). Matching the leading edge curve for the patch will require some skill. There are several ways to do it, but Kyles idea using the preformed lens is sounding really good.
Q? Whats behind those access panels?
A. New Van's Autonomus Flight Module, Ground Lidar sensor, Targetting Radar, Anti collision sensor, Hydrogen Fuel Cell, Anti-tilt module.
You could have a lot of fun with it at airshows.
Aveo Zip Tips

The Zip Tips are great but the taxi lights are a little wimpish. Fire them up and you will see what I mean. I installed taxi lights in the cutouts. I also did not want the cut-outs and tried to get Vans to knock out a set without the cut-outs. No joy. I think the taxi light option is the way to use them. Zip Tips landing lights are very strong.
I am going to go ahead and install the FlyLeds Combo in there and burn holes in the sky. Guess you can?t have too much light! Thanks.
Also use the cut-outs for wig-wags.

The wig-wags would then be in a different location than the strobes for better being-seen