Don Jones

Well Known Member
I have been working on the trim tab and managed to cut the hinge wrong. I came up with this solution, thought I would run it by the experts. I sectioned a short piece of the hinge off and spliced in another section keeping good edge distance and two rivets on the short piece. I am way too anal to run it like that, so I am going to order another hinge, but I was curious if this was acceptable?


I also had a question concerning the control horn for the trim tab. The one which came with the electric servo has an entirely different pre-punched rivet pattern than the one in the kit. The one in the kit needs modified for the electric trim, but will fit the pre-punched holes in the skin. I am thinking I will use the one that fits the rivet pattern, but am open to suggestions.


What say you oh wise ones!
Not sure I qualify as a wise one, but in my opinion, the hinge fix should be fine. The only potential issue I see might be alignment of the pieces to allow the hinge pin to go in easily (but I don't think that is really a big issue). I would go with it.

For the trim tab horn, I would use what is easiest as long as the attachment point for the control rod is in the same location, or as long as you can get complete travel angles (per plans) on the trim tab.

Which Horn?

Don, first off I agree with Greg that the hinge is fine. Press on with pride.

The trim tab horn.. I see no problem using the one that doesnt match the pre-punch holes provided you fill all the holes in the horn and the tab. If you can maintain minimum rivet spacing and edge distance (2x rivet diameter) when you back drill the missing/mismatched holes, press on as well.
The pre-punched one should also be perfectly acceptable if the modifications you'd have to make doesn't compromise the structural strength of the piece. But for absolute certainty, I'd run it past guru's at Vans first!

Regarding the horns, if the arm is the same on both, use the one that matches the rivet pattern. If the horns are not the same, call Van's and find out what gives. They may have shipped you the wrong part. You could always make a new part and put the holes where you need them.

The tail takes a beating from the prop wash, so I would not want the extra holes back there. Just MHO.
I have been working on the trim tab and managed to cut the hinge wrong. I came up with this solution, thought I would run it by the experts. I sectioned a short piece of the hinge off and spliced in another section keeping good edge distance and two rivets on the short piece. I was curious if this was acceptable?


Apply edge distance to each side of the EDGE (spilce).

On the short piece, it looks like you could use three rivets, with 2 to 2 1/2" edge distance at each end.

This would be a good repair......