
Well Known Member
Hi everyone. Hope you all had a good Holiday and Happy New Year

Couple of questions:

1) In the photo below there are additional holes in the forward turtle deck skin that are not in the 706 bulkhead or in the F-788 gusset that you see primed. The "extra" holes are circled so you know which ones I mean. I assume I make matching holes in the F-788 gusset and 706 bulkhead? Just wondering why they were not already drilled.

2) I want to order some cherry max pull rivets. Do they require a special rivet tool and can I use my standard pop rivet tool?


Hi Tom, I just checked mine and those holes do not exist in my build.

Look forward in the plans, and see if anything gets bolted/screwed in place in that area---------those holes look like they may be for the rivets to hold a nutplate??

Nope, not a slider skin. Mystery solved, those holes are to attach the F-732A support to the roll bar on the tip-up canopy.
Glad I didn't attach that skin :D
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Here's a couple of photos of mine for reference.

With the skin on. The middle holes get AD4 sized rivets.
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Not sure.... but the original question could be related to a service bulletin issued in 2007 (for RV-7 and 9 tip-up canopy fuselages only), depending on the vintage of your fuselage kit.
You can access it HERE
Thanks everyone.

Here's a couple of photos of mine for reference.

Just curious Bruce, did you have to drill the extra holes in the gusset and bulkhead, or did yours come already pre-drilled to match the skin?

I have a newer kit and the parts look as shown in Bruce's photo above.

Look at Detail G and Detail D-D on DWG 40. It looks like you have to drill these for the tip up and not the slider.