
Active Member
I am starting a second hand -9 empennage kit. It appears that the previous owner got as far as match drilling the HS, that?s it. I clecoed it all together and identified 5 holes that were missed. I did that by removing one Cleco at a time and putting a rivet in the hole ( thanks John). Everything is good except for a three holes nose rib/spar/rib. These three holes the rivet is pretty tight, it goes in, but it?s tight. Should I redrill the tight holes? Next question, how the heck to keep the parts straight after you prime them? Any pointers are appreciated.
Depending on the primer you use - many are transparent enough that a felt-tip marking ink will show thru the primer.
If you get a piloted reamer for #30 and #40 rivet holes, you can run them through some of the holes that are a little tight, and it should make it easier for the rivets to go in. In fact, if you have a matched drilled kit, you can use the piloted reamers for all your holes of that size, and leave your drill bits in the tool box. The holes are perfectly round (unlike a drill bit) and if a rivet is difficult to insert, just run the reamer in there again.