Paul B

Active Member
After a few recent screw-ups, confidence in my ability to read the drawings is greatly diminished. Soo . . . another question.

I started countersinking my longerons (the long ones). Are there any holes here that should NOT be countersunk? I really don't want to make new ones!!
Can't answer as I'm just about to start this task, but I usually look at what fastener is called out and that will answer the dimple/countersink question for me.

Beautiful Winnemucca? I have actually landed there and bought fuel. The FBO has free ice cream!
Be Careful

Its been a long time since i did mine, but looking at them in the plane i have to say YES, there are holes that are not countersunk. Use blue painters tape and ID each hole per the drawing. U dont want do these wrong. Verify Twice - drill once. Have someone else verify for u if u can.
They are not costly to purchase new ones but very costly to ship. Not to mention the time to do them twice