
Well Known Member
I'm on page 31-03, step 5, machine countersink the faceplate of the fuel selector valve to fit the screws (ms24693-c273). The faceplate is not flat and I'm not too excited to freehand this, since it will be out in plain sight for everyone to see. Anything less than perfect will be noticed. Well, at least by me.

I'm wondering if anyone has any great ideas on this. I'm going to see if I can build up the area to create a flat surface. This was done on the flap brackets and it worked fairly well, but this seems a little higher and I'm not sure if my cs cage will go down far enough. I'm hoping someone has an easy suggestion or I'm just not seeing it. I'll check the CS cage depth, but thought I would throw it out there.

Drill press

Yes. I used a drill press. Just go slowly and carefully keep checking your depth.
Thanks, drill press it is then. The countersink bit is a threaded bit, did you just put it in the chuck with light pressure or is there something that will accept the bit and then fit into the chuck? I don't want to mess up the threads in the bit.
you can remove the cage from your microstop and then just chuck up the rest of it.

cool! thanks. that looks like that is going to work nicely. I was kind of afraid to take the cage apart, sometimes you never know how long it will take you to put it back together.
I put the countersink on the end of my deburring tool extension rod and chucked that long rod in my drill press. Also need this technique if you c/s on the battery box.