Well Known Member

I currently countersinking the #30 holes for the horizontal stabilizer.

Are the two countersinks on the picture below meant to be in the spar HS-903, instead of the doubler plate?


I am talking about the two marked holes with red arrows.

Is this the correct side (in the spar) to countersink those two holes? I am nearly sure that it is correct as I understand that they have to be countersinked to allow the HS-911 Hinge Brackets to be placed... but on the other hand I found the spars to be rather thin to countersink. It is just that I don't want to mess up the two spars. :)


I don't have my plans with me, but if memory serves, the flanges of the spar face aft, and the hinge bracket/bearing assembly is bolted to the aft side of the spar. With those rivets existing under the brackets, the countersink would be on the aft side of the spar. Please study the plans and confirm this.

From the photo, it looks to me that you may be a little agressive with your deburring.
The countersink goes on the aft side of the web of the spar, and the rivet holds the spar to the doubler before the steel elevator hinge is bolted on. Hope this helps.
