
Well Known Member
I saw mentioned that the NGK BR8ES sparkplugs were available on Amazon at great prices so I ordered two 4 backs. The selling company was Buckeye tool supply via Amazon. The plugs arrived tossed loose in a plastic bag without any protection. Further examination showed they were screw tops not solids despite being marked as solids. A closer look shows they are more than likely counterfeit plugs made in China. You probably don’t want these in your aircraft.
Genuine car parts are actually kind of hard to find. Its a big problem with amazon and ebay. Be careful.
Maybe it’s just time to going back to supporting reputable businesses and local mom and pop operations, and time to leave crappy parts in China and internet scammers with their bogus parts.
Jim Skinner
Exempt, however fee for service provided gladly paid.
RV6 regrettably sold
Made a decent living in aviation for 50 years
At least Amazon should take them back without question. You can even drop them off at a UPS Store and not even have them packaged up prior. Just give them the items and your return authorization number.
NGK plugs are dirt cheap at your local auto parts store and you know what you are getting.
Out of my local auto parts stores, oriley has been able to get the solid core BR8ES plugs. I keep a set on the shelf so I haven’t had to get them in a while but they had 4 in stock every time I checked. Additional here tomorrow noon.