Include a Test and Evaluation Subforum on VAF?

  • Yes, separating quantified test data is an enhancement

    Votes: 26 65.0%
  • No, Another section in the forum is a detriment

    Votes: 14 35.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well Known Member
Recent posts have shown a need for a "Test and Evaluation" technical forum IMHO. In my mind VAF would benefit from a distinct section where new ideas are not only hatched (plenty of that already), but also fabricated/implemented and most importantly TESTED and validated. Note that I'm not talking about a guy who "... added Product X and now the engine runs smoother..." Thats a consumer review. I'm talking about evaluation via the scientific method. In this context it would at least include:

--System under test (description)
--Problem statement/opportunity for improvement
--Success criteria/requirements
--Conduct Test/data collection

In my mind the primary "rule" is that if one starts a thread in this section it is with the intent that it will be completed eventually. In other words don't start a thread with a pie in the sky idea that you are just spitballing. If you start it, finish it! Ultimately the section becomes a resource for people who are contemplating an idea and this will show them if it worked or not.

I recognize DR is not bound by peer pressure to change his forum and I also realize that this site is primarily a resource for people building kit aircraft. That said, there are plenty of us who are either in the formal flight test world or who are simply interested in quantifiable data. This poll is just to see if there is any interest.
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There's already a flight-testing forum, and it seems to me that this topic would best fit into that.

Instrumentation and data analysis is a part of flight testing, and as the inclusion of fuel flow test into the EAA's flight test guide shows, it doesn't have to have an actual flight to validate its inclusion.

So I think a separate subforum is unnecessary. I'm not voting in the poll because I don't think it's a detriment. But I do think that this one is unnecessary.


Note - I am now ambivalent. Please see my post #13 regarding this. 2/8/19
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Good point David. I honestly didnt even know the existing Flight Test forum was there. And considering that there have only been a handful of posts in the last year, perhaps many others dont know it either. That said, it seems to track a different purpose than what I'm proposing. My concept is a "technical" topic, not "educational". Maybe that's why it is overlooked? Perhaps the purpose of the area is ill defined?

At any rate, there are a host of topics that get discussed elsewhere on this forum that would belong in a "Flight Test" area. Maybe this poll will refocus the intent and perhaps get it moved into the technical area.
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One of the phenomena that I've observed is that some moderators will all too quickly move a post into another area when it really should be given a chance to be read by all before it is dispatched. Safety comes to mind.

On the other hand, items for sale or wanted might be promptly dispatched.
It seems to me that the flight testing section is about how to fly the plane, what data to gather (POH) and (maybe) how to plot flight data.

Methods, tools, and particularly instrumentation seem to be scattered around. Topics range from cooling, some in fuel systems, to some in drag reduction and are located with type category, general/discussion, traditional engines and more.

Personally, I would enjoy (and benefit from) a collection of knowledge on the instrumentation used to gather the data. Pressure, temperatures, velocities, and data loggers to facilitate gathering the information. The collective knowledge would help greatly in getting accurate sensors, and cost effective data loggers.
I voted "No" because very few people really know how to perform test flights and it will soon become cluttered with what I'm afraid will be useless and incorrect info.
Well, that illustrates part of the problem. The concept is less about the process of conducting a flight and more about validating an idea with data. You don't need to be a formal tester to validate an idea with data.
I voted "No" because very few people really know how to perform test flights and it will soon become cluttered with what I'm afraid will be useless and incorrect info.

Yeah, kinda what we have now, but how can we improve that? Even getting the data is an art of it's own. Meaning: instrumentation.
Think bigger, gents. While the minutiae of data collection is certainly encouraged, the real essence of any particular thread in my immaginary world is "concepts validated by test". Or more succinctly, its the "...put up or shut up..." section. Its a place where people have more to go on than the typical vague PIREPS of commercial products they've installed, or the wild "game changing" claims of products yet to be built in hardware.

The current fuel pump test thread belongs here
Dans "shrinking exit" belongs here
multiple ignition timing threads belong here
The oil cooler diffuser thread belongs here
To name just a few

What we need is a one stop shopping clearing house for changes, tweaks, modifications that that have been validated or invalidated by TEST.
I agree as well ... I am fascinated by a lot of the threads mentioned above, but always have to search (or bookmark) to find the old ones.
I personally feel like it's a great idea. I understand what your referring to as the test/validation data... Dan Horton comes to mind. I've read some of his many post and he seems to always approache problems then solutions with some kind of testing to reach a valid conclusion.

I would also agree because of this.... when there is something being tested or someone has a problem and we go to VAF seeking answers, sometimes we have to weed through volumes and volumes of opinion type posts to find some good hard point data to help make a decision.

I hope I've articulated my point well enough. I would vote yes to your suggestion.
Well, after reading the comments following my post #2, I'm inclined to change my mine. However, I think that it would need to be carefully moderated to both stay on topic and permit the occasional pertinent comment that doesn't strictly fit the intent.

How would the subsection be moderated?

A sticky could be written that is akin to the one on the "My RV Build Project" subforum, and I think that might do it. That's just a thought, though. What do you all think?


Bill, I think your concern applies to the "Flight Testing" subforum more than this one. It's certainly a valid concern.
Well, after reading the comments following my post #2, I'm inclined to change my mine. However, I think that it would need to be carefully moderated to both stay on topic and permit the occasional pertinent comment that doesn't strictly fit the intent.

How would the subsection be moderated?

A sticky could be written that is akin to the one on the "My RV Build Project" subforum, and I think that might do it...

Yep, we would need a sticky to firm up the intent of the subforum, and maybe even provide a "template" for the initial post just to frame the project and make it useful as a research asset (like the classifieds). In an ideal world the OP would act as the Project Manager and keep his thread on track - but in my mind the ability for others to interact within the thread would be one of the strengths. As a last resort the "official" moderators would step in to clean it up if required.
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