Hi folks, in reading the current loss of the RV8 pilot and previous loss of Dan Lloyd, I am wondering how we as a group could put together a resource to help the families of our friends. Each of us are touched deeply by the loss and typically can't do much but try to learn from the mistakes and express our condolences.

I was pondering some sort of trust or insurance policy that would cover the group in case of accidental death - and we could all feel like we're contributing to our fellow aviators. I don't know the details of how this would work but there are enough of us to collectively offset costs. We could be proactive rather than reactive. Has anyone investigated this in the past? Any other ideas? We're a large enough group for someone to pay attention to.
Myself and my buddy Darwin have talked about this before. Being retired cops, we are familiar with the "100 Club." http://www.100club.org/ Individuals and other sponsors pay a yearly fee (in this case an individual membership costs me $150), and in case of death or serious injury, the club pays a fixed amount to the family, it is a great program. Unfortunately, I know some families who have benefited from it.
Overall cost wise I think it would be LESS expensive to simply buy insurance on an individual basis that does not have an exclusion. Drawing attention by having a group of "at risk" individuals will raise the eyebrows of the actuaries and could be counter productive from a group and individual perspective. Better to blend into the middle of the herd on this one. An effort like this could draw attention and create more exclusions.

We must concede that flying, fly-ins, air shows, pancake breakfast, etc are going to carry more risk than watching TV.:(
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Excellent Idea!

In Savannah, GA, the group is call the 200. It is for all public safety types(Police, Fire, DNR, etc.). It and other organizations like it help with immediate expenses incurred by the family of the victim and have annuities for young dependents of the fallen to help cover education expenses in the future. Count me in for my share.