
Well Known Member
Has anyone purchased the borescope that is currently available at Costco? Looks like the same unit discussed in another post from borescopes etc. Will it fit and visualize the valves with enough clarity to be useful? If no one's tried it yet I might give it a shot.

See last post in this thread for my answer!
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Has anyone purchased the borescope that is currently available at Costco? Looks like the same unit discussed in another post from borescopes etc. Will it fit and visualize the valves with enough clarity to be useful? If no one's tried it yet I might give it a shot.

If no one has a PIREP,,, buy one and try it out. Costco has a 100% satisfaction return policy.
I bought one and it is a great tool with a number of accessories.

I goes inside the cylinder very easily and the head can be bent enough degree to give view of the sides. I am very happy with it, though not sure how to read the pictures (what is normal and what is not)
can you post some pics? if not email them to me and i will post them. very interested in the results. the valves should look uniform like a bullseye, hot having any hot spots along the edges. how much did it cost? what brand was it? has a webinar "all about cylinders" that I believe includes some great pictures of good vs. burnt valves.
i had one similar to those from borescoperus. it was not able to take a 90 degree pic with the attached mirror. the valves are adjacent to the spark plug hole. i even had a individual cylinder to test with. keep us posted. good luck.
...this one from HF and it is a good buy for that price of $69 . However, not great for cylinders, just passable. It is very handy for looking into other tight places around aircraft and cars for that matter.

I accidentally dropped one of the magneto drive bushings on my engine into the sump while timing my magneto! This camera and the 3-fingered pickup tool from HF saved the day!
can you post some pics? if not email them to me and i will post them. very interested in the results. the valves should look uniform like a bullseye, hot having any hot spots along the edges. how much did it cost? what brand was it?

I will check to see if I recorded during the last inspection and if so, will post them or send them. I am very interested in getting some knowledgeable people to read the ?x-ray?

The cylinder wall looked really good, but I was seeing some stuff on top of the piston which seemed to be carbon build up but was not sure.

The unit normal price is $299 I believe and Costco has it for $159 with a bunch of accessories including a 3 foot extension, mirror etc., it is a very good value
Bavafa; The unit normal price is $299 I believe and Costco has it for $159 with a bunch of accessories including a 3 foot extension said:
I would only consider it a good value as a bore scope if it allowed you to see the valves. Let us know...

I would only consider it a good value as a bore scope if it allowed you to see the valves. Let us know...


Will try it next time the top cowl is off but I suspect with the help of the mirror that comes with it, it would be possible. I know it will not be possible without the mirror as the head will not turn enough to view next to the spark plugs holes.
i had one like this and had no luck. try viewing something at a 90 degree angle, 1 inch away. that is what you need to do to see the valve head thru the spark plug hole. hang on to your receipt.
Not the answer

I bought and reterned the Costco borescope today, after pulling a plug and trying it out. Completely useless for evaluating the valves, which is what I want to do with it. I'm just going to have to save my lunch money up and get a good ridgid scope. This is just another example of you get what you pay for. Seems I keep relearning this lesson again and again:eek:
I bought and reterned the Costco borescope today, after pulling a plug and trying it out. Completely useless for evaluating the valves, which is what I want to do with it. I'm just going to have to save my lunch money up and get a good ridgid scope. This is just another example of you get what you pay for. Seems I keep relearning this lesson again and again:eek:

Finally some useful feedback - thanks! Saved me a trip to the store.
I bought and reterned the Costco borescope today, after pulling a plug and trying it out. Completely useless for evaluating the valves, which is what I want to do with it. I'm just going to have to save my lunch money up and get a good ridgid scope. This is just another example of you get what you pay for. Seems I keep relearning this lesson again and again:eek:

Actually it is more useful to use to inspect the heat muff from the inside. The biggest problem with valves are the guides, and the scope is useless for that. The few times that I want to see the valves, I will have the local shop take a look. But for my $150.00 I have nice inspection camera for all of the places that a flashlight and mirror can't get to. And I have a picture of it.
Best one I have found.

....Hopefully I can save a few of you guys a little leg work! I have purchased 5 inspection scopes to compare for my purposes. I was very disappointed with most of them immediately, if not sooner, and returned them ASAP. The worst one was the cheapest and came from Harbor Freight. Believe it or not the best also came from them as well. See this link; . It is considerably more expensive than their low end one, but includes a vast number of improvements and useful features. the only one that even came close was the Snap-On unit at over $1,000.00 more. The resolution was at least two times better with it's larger display. The photos and video it takes were great as well as the memory functions and as an added bonus it is on sale now for even less than I paid for ours. Regards all, Allan:)
P.S. Please go to my web site and buy something!!!!!!!
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Thanks Allan!

Great info! I've been in the market for a scope and wasn't sure what to buy. Thanks for passing along that info!
Any chance of you posting a few images from the device? I would like some assurance that it can be used to inspect valve condition.


....Hopefully I can save a few of you guys a little leg work! I have purchased 5 inspection scopes to compare for my purposes. I was very disappointed with most of them immediately, if not sooner, and returned them ASAP. The worst one was the cheapest and came from Harbor Freight. Believe it or not the best also came from them as well. See this link; . It is considerably more expensive than their low end one, but includes a vast number of improvements and useful features. the only one that even came close was the Snap-On unit at over $1,000.00 more. The resolution was at least two times better with it's larger display. The photos and video it takes were great as well as the memory functions and as an added bonus it is on sale now for even less than I paid for ours. Regards all, Allan:)
P.S. Please go to my web site and buy something!!!!!!!