
I'm New Here
i have found some corrosion on my rv7a. I believe its filiform corrosion. I am wondering what the proper repair is or if there is an easier, less pretty repair available just to stop any further damage? Or maybe this corrosion is just on the surface and basically superficial and I can hold off a while before repairing it? I am planning to have this airplane professionally painted sometime in the future but am hoping to hold off for a year or 2. The corrosion is in very small patches on various parts of the airframe but this is the worst section on the bottom of the fuselage near the rear of the wing. Under the bubbled up paint is a white/gray coating that can be flaked off with my fingernail. I have tried to look for recommended repairs on the internet and get conflicting results so I thought I would ask the RV community for further guidance. Thanks in advance!!

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What I would do...

...just because it's what we do on the big airplanes... I would clean it off down to clean metal with scotchbrite. Usually the rule of thumb is you can remove 10% of the original thickness. Once it's clean, clean it off with alcohol or acetone, then repaint.

I agree, clean with scotch bright pad. If not to deep, 10% or less, wipe clean with MEK or acetone, then prime with self etching primer and paint.
I cannot comment on the structural integrity of the corroded part, but the corrosion needs to be 'arrested' and not just cleaned off.

This will require a chemical treatment, most likely an etching caustic solution which will reduce material thickness further after mechanical removal of the corrosion.

I would suggest getting professional input on the extent and repair method for the corroded areas.