Sorry if this is a dumb question. I'm starting to plan the refresh of my steam/G5/Aera Frankenpanel with a proper EFIS setup. From my unscientific research (looking at internet photos), it seems there are two ways people do panel upgrades:

  1. Take out the whole F-403 bulkhead, including the horizontal part with nutplates that the avionics cover attaches to, and build a new one
  2. Cut a big hole in your existing F-403 and screw your new improved panel over the top of it
Did I get that right? Is there a preferred route? Something I'm missing? I'm not a builder so approach 2 seems easiest, but maybe it's not as structurally sound or something. You also lose a little space around the edge.

I'm still at the stage of noodling with layout in a CAD program, so no rush... just curious.
Replace it.

I did my -4 panel a few years ago. With simple riveting it’s easy to replace the whole thing. Order a new panel from Vans and coordinate with UpNorth aviation. He was fantastic to work with, well worth the price. I used the old panel for a template for the mounting holes. There is an old thread on this subject.
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I would recommend replacing the panel, it’s not difficult, probable less work than an overlay, you will gain valuable real estate with a new panel vs an overlay and it will look better, last I checked a new panel was around 50 bucks. A no brainer IMO.
Thanks all, having to precisely match drill the flange for the avionics cover is pretty intimidating (and why I was planning to go with the overlay) but I'll trust the brains here and give it a go!
When I built our RV-3, I basically did it using two panels - one I turned into a perimeter frame, and the other became the face plat. I did it for ease of removal for maintenance and for the ability to rework when new avionics came along. You DO give up about 3/4” of space all the way around the edge, so if you’re planning a really full panel, a single pane is probably smart. Besides, most EFIS’s these days make such a big hole that it is easy to work through that opening if needed.

I recommend just replacing the whole panel (403 bulkhead). I believe it creates a much cleaner visual in the end.

The two part/sub panel idea is nice if you don't have access to the back side like Paul's idea on the RV-3, but it doesn't really apply to the -4. If you remove the forward turtle deck (forward avionics cover?), you can stand right over the tire, leading edge of each wing root and have amazing access. My father (who has a -7) gets extremely jealous every time I gain access to literally all the wires in my airplane in a bout 60 seconds. No need to reach in from the panel side for anything, ever.

Also, depending on how nickle and dime you want to be about weight... a single new panel saves the weight of all those nutplates, rivets, and screws you'd have to carry around if you did the sub-panel idea.
my build took many years, and, “unfortunately” avionics evolved by the day. Designed and cut-out 3 of them panels, each time using a new blank. Cost is pretty lo, simple 90° bend on the bottom.
Said panel is secured by “only” 2ea AN-3 bolts either side, hopefully still giving full structural integrity.