
Hi Guys

Please assist. I have recently upgraded my 6A to a 180hp from a 160 and I need a new prop. The friend of mine that oens the engine shop has a few CS props around thatare still in working order. He said that If I can find the correct model and he has it in stock I can take it free of charge until I can buy a new Blended Airfoil unit.

What I am looking for is the correct hub and blade number used on the 6A with a 180 HP. Obviously I am looking for the old paddle type as I am sure he wont just hand over a new BA prop.

Another frim pf mine upgraded to the new scimitar blade HC on his mooney M20G a year ago. He also said if the prop will work I can have it and its only midlife so thats also an option.

Your assistance would be highly appreciated.
