
Sidney, BC, Canada
Does anyone here use the CoPilot iPhone / iPad app for flight planning? Has anyone created a comprehensive (or even a basic) profile for your RV? I keep checking the available aircraft, and while there are over 400 options to choose from, i'm amazed that there aren't any RV's.

Surely someone has created at least one? I'd like a profile for an RV-6, 150HP, to use as a starting point. I know it will all be highly dependent on the choice of prop, the cleanliness of the airframe, and the accuracy of the gauges on board. But at least it would be a start, that could be tweaked.

I'm sure others with other types would be interested too... If we all submitted our planes, we'd have a pretty comprehensive list. It would be great to see all the RV's with the most common engine combinations.
