Nice video, I have one of your tail links and its nice to see how well it works, looking forward to the upgraded tail wheel

Nice video, I have one of your tail links and its nice to see how well it works, looking forward to the upgraded tail wheel


Eddie, thanks for your business. I let you know when it's ready.

Poor wheel? Poor camera!

Cool video! Looks like a blast of an area to fly in!

The back of my camera is now shot-peened and sand blasted just like the powder coat on the tail parts. It's all just about 20nm south of Phoenix nothing too challenging but still some fun strips.
Who would have thought that watching a nine minute video of a tailwheel could be so engrossing!

That was fun!
Water, Mud and Inverted





Great Video Jason, looks like the same area that we flew through a few years ago when Darwin and I met you for lunch at Eloy. At least I remember than big mine/hole in the ground.

Anyway, can't wait to get down there again, this time in my finished RV. Probably about 2 months out from first flight.

Haven't touched my T-Rex in 3.5 years since I have been building. I'll have to get back into Heli's when the RV is done. ;-)

All local

Some of the strips are secret:D Can't give out all the secrets.

The video clearly shows how much of a beating the tail wheel components take. We have worked very hard to make systems that work and last. Jason and I are very committed to not releasing any products until they have been thoroughly tested!!

I suspect Jason's testing became pretty aggressive because it wasn't his plane.
"Fly it like you stole it.":eek:
Some of the strips are secret:D Can't give out all the secrets.

The video clearly shows how much of a beating the tail wheel components take. We have worked very hard to make systems that work and last. Jason and I are very committed to not releasing any products until they have been thoroughly tested!!

I suspect Jason's testing became pretty aggressive because it wasn't his plane.
"Fly it like you stole it.":eek:

Fair enough Darwin.....we won't give out our secrets up north here either:D

I'm assuming Jason was flying a 9. Cool Video.
I thought about editing it down more, but just enjoyed it so much as it was.

Darwin, just wait until I get a hold of your plane :D

Ed, Yes a -9. The first strip is U of A ag center it is on the chart. Straight south of PHX. Come on down sometime I'll take you on a tour.

Chad, come see us again! your RV should have about 44 hours on when you get here :)
Great video. The camera angle reminds me of those rear-looking movies taken from Vietnam War F-100s as they dropped napalm on targets in the jungle. For some reason, looking backwards and down never gets old.