Fellow Builders,

I have been looking for a marking tool to lable parts with sequence numbers or part numbers.
I ran across this cool tool on Harbor Freight: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?function=Search

I ordered one and received it today. As advertised, it is as small as a fountain pen, has a diamond tip cutter, and will mark on aluminum, hardened steel and glass. The mark that it leaves is so slight that there is no worry about cutting too deep and causing a stress crack source. It also came with an allen wrench to change the rotary tip and the two batteries.

I have a scribe and also a portable Dermal tool, but this tool is handy.

Garland Edwards
RV7 ( in the works)
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Gee. I know you said it leaves a light mark, but I was told absolutely no scribe marks on our aluminum...
Gee. I know you said it leaves a light mark, but I was told absolutely no scribe marks on our aluminum...

in the beginning of the emp. directions it says it is ok to use light punch marks to differentiate l/r, i think the punch marks are only meant to be perfectly circular, no specific direction for a crack to form.

do not scribe letters or numbers or lines on your parts.

Van's early Emp directions specify that the use of a "Wren" brand rotary marker/scriber is acceptable for marking parts...check out your wing spars, their identifying serial numbers are marked with a rotary marker. Try using a
small punch to mark your parts. Scribing or scratch "writing" on your 7 with this H/F scriber would not be prudent. Prudent...I can't believe I just typed that word. I'll stop being politicly correct now.
Don't scribe your work, the part will form stress risers and eventually crack:eek: No fooling!
Love this group, Learn something new everyday, Thanks.

Thanks for your technical comments for the Non-use of markers and scribes.

Please disregard my reference to marking on aluminum aircraft parts.

For those who have non-aircraft applications, you can search the HF site and insert this p/n 98227-0VGA

I love this group; I learn something new everyday.
