
Active Member
I'm moving to the Valdosta Area soon and wondering if anyone has any exprirence with 15J (http://www.airnav.com/airport/15J)? They have new-built T-hangars there and new fuel pumps for 100LL and Jet-A. I'm looking to bed-down the aircraft here.

Any words or feedback?



Back in my Moody days! Also look at Nashville, GA.

Lots of activity over at Thomasville including . Maule factory at Moultrie.
Lots of nice airports in Georgia.

I learned to fly at Spence AB back in '59 with Hawthorne Aviation owned and operated by Bevo Howard, T-34's and -28's, under government contract. Some of the local airports were used for training as there was much traffic at Spence. Night solo cross country in the -28 was follow the guy ahead of you....and don't get lost. :)

Spence was not easy, but there did prevail a party atmosphere on week ends. We flew most every day during the week and had fun on the week ends. It was not a military base per se and the **** really hit the fan when we moved on to the next phase of flying at Reese AFB Texas. That place was gung-ho military and we cadets had to shape up or ship out.

Came back a year and flew -86L's out of Moody. That's when you found out how dark the Okfenokee Swamp could be at night.

Those were good ol' days.......flyin' was a lot of fun for a young guy.