
Well Known Member
I need help converting the data dump file from my Dynon to a graphical representation. Specifically I want to try to isolate EGT/CHT, fuel flow and power settings and show graphically over time.

Are there Apps that do this?

Any help appreciated!!
I use the free service from Savvyanalysis.com. You can upload your data files and get nice plots of all the channels, zoom in to see details, calculate rates of change over specified intervals, etc.
If you want them to analyze your data you can pay an extra fee but it is free to just plot it for yourself and store your data on their server.

Second vote for savvyanalysis.com. it will do all you are looking for. One tip though, upload the raw user logs from your Skyview, don't try to clean out extra lines in Excel because it will change the csv file enough to break the upload. Clearing your log files in Skyview before each flight will make the log files more compact.