Well Known Member
Yesterday, While working on completing my RV-8, I reviewed my primary flight controls, and installed the aileron travel stops. I was checking control friction, and noticed some in 'pitch'. So I went back to the elevator and started poking around. finally, I pushed it all the way down to the stop. When I pulled it back up, IT STUCK! But it still moved in a springy way. I couldn't easily find the problem because everything could move a little bit.
Finally, I found it in the right elevator. The skin overlap (pop riveted together at the front) had caught on the lower spar bar of the horizontal stab. :eek:
This assembly has been together for several years, and I'm getting pretty close to the Airworthiness Inspection. Needless to say, this whole thing is going to be taken apart and the plans reviewed etc.
So my comment to everyone: Keep a close eye on your primary flight controls!
Good catch.

The RV control system is so free of slop and binding that if there is any and I mean anything that you can notice, you need to find it and correct the issue.

The exception is when you have autopilot servos attached, the ones that use stepper motors do produce a slight feedback into the system even when turned off. This effect is very slight however...
Yes you might need to back out the rod end bearings a bit thus moving the elevator away from the horizontal stab a bit.

Yes, I may need to re-roll the seam and re-rivet, while I'm checking that rod end bearing setting dimension.
Just recently noticed a little "snag" in the rudder as it passed through faired. Short investigation revealed the screws holding the lead counterweight were backing out and catching the skin. Didn't expect that one!
Just recently noticed a little "snag" in the rudder as it passed through faired. Short investigation revealed the screws holding the lead counterweight were backing out and catching the skin. Didn't expect that one!

Tell me about it! I was probably still a hair's width or two from catching, but make it a part of the pre-flight inspection from here on out.
Free and CORRECT

I make a point of this with all my students, because some of the rental aircraft we fly have a checklist that states it as the title of the article.

You should be thinking about TWO different elements during this check.

Freedom of movement as is the case in this thread.

The second element is CORRECT direction of movement.

Please don't use FREE and CLEAR, change it to FREE and CORRECT.
