the standard Van's grips are cheap and very comfortable..


I've now owned 3 sets of the Tosten -8 models. 100% reliable and very comfortable in use. You can't go wrong there.
I recently installed this one in my own aircraft from Composites International in NZ. It comes only with a PTT switch and you have to add the trim and buttons as required. I like that they use Otto trim and push button switches. I plan on keeping a few in stock for customers panels. After you add the switches these are not the least expensive grips you will find but the quality is very high. All said and done about $400+ ea.


I don't know if any of you have noticed. But the wiring on th CS8 grip is not what you expect for th 14. Don't do what I did. Duh, I figured I would wire violet to violet, yellow to yellow, blue to blue, etc. if you will notice on AFS's website documentation the wiring has been changed. AFS had to correct it because Tosten didn't align the colors like anyone would expect. Maybe Tosten has corrected the colors again by now. Who knows. But be careful not to get this screwed up. The pins that go in the molex connector are tiny and are a real pain to get out of the plug block. Proceed with caution!