
Well Known Member
The issue seems minor but I'm a little paranoid when it comes to my and others safety. Along with the binding problem I had(see "Big Problem) which I was able to resolve, I have another issue. When I was drilling the holes in the control column to size for the AN3 bolts, on one of the flanges(inboard), which mounts the column to the attach brackets, the drill slipped and I took a small amount of material from the the edge of the hole on the flange. I don't have a photo, but it's 1/16" off center and removed about half the thickness of the material. Now I realize this is a steel part, and there should not be any movement around the bolt, and the load is shared among three other flanges, but the voices keep telling me I may have a problem some day. Anyone see a problem leaving this as is or should I change the part. Putting those washers in there was a PTA. Thanks for the continued help.
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