
Well Known Member
I have a problem with the penetration holes for my throttle and carb heat (RV-9A, O-320). I haven't yet drilled these holes. Earlier I moved my fuel pump firewall doubler up a bit so the nutplates wouldn't interfere with the engine mount. Now the plate is making it impossible to put the throttle and carb heat cables where vans says (I have the FF Kit).
Moving the doubler plate again at this point would be extremely difficult (engine hung).
Question - if I raise the throttle cable penetration hole by .5 inches and the carb heat cable penetration hole by .75 inches, will this be OK? Will the supplied cables still work?
Dear Phil,

I have more or less the same configuration as you (7A - O320 carurated).
I have faced the same difficulty. My intention was to use a one hole fitting, but this was obviously impossible. I finally went with simple gromet, close to the doubler plate of the fuel pump.
Hope it answers your question.
Thanks Herve, but I'km not sure you understood my question. Basically I'm asking how critical the exact positioning of these cable penetration holes on the firewall are. If I move them by a quarter or half an inch, will this be OK? My intuition says it will be fine - the control cables are flexible and have to be routed with curves in various places anyway. I just wanted some verification of this before I drill my holes.

I drilled several holes per Van's plans and ended up moving my cables (I have a quadrant). I think you can do whatever you want in terms of cable location. I used the threaded firewall passthroughs from ACS for my cables (thicker than standard ones) and made some thin wedges to put on either side. the wedges allow the cable to go through the FW at a slight angle, as well as add some doubler-like strength.

Firewall pass throughs

The hole that goes through the firewall near the doubler is a PITA location. I wish that I had not pre-drilled it until I had hung the engine. The problem is that you HAVE to use the snap bushing set up to use that hole. I prefer the eyeball type pass through or the ones with the split ball and SS plates to secure the cable so it can't be pushed in and out at the firewall. The snap bushings do not accomplish this even with liberal amount of firewall sealant applied as the plans call out. Decide on what type pass through that you are going to use around that Fuel Pump doubler location and use the pass through to determine where the hole in the firewall should be. One inch or so up or down or to the side of the Van's recommended location should not affect your bowden cable's ability to move smoothly in the sheath. Remember to drill a cooresponding hole in the fuel pump cover box as well. And keep away from your fuel lines.
Mike H 9A/8A