
Well Known Member
I installed the Control Approach rudder pedals a while back but only yesterday got the rudder cables connected full length. Somewhere, I believe here on VAF, I read long back that some who installed these pedals had to create a longer set of rudder cable links to make the connection between the cables and the pedals. I used the stock Van's links and things seem to be satisfactory. However, the pedals are hanging at an angle as you can see in the pic. The pedals are installed in the next-to-the-most forward position and I have my seat back in the center position. The pedal position seems good for my 69-70" frame and the brakes are easily accessible and feel natural. I don't have carpet installed yet. Question is: Is there any reason that I should make new longer links and get the pedals to hang more vertically?


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I think it’s just a matter of preference and how comfortable you are “rolling” your ankles to brake.
I assume you have your VS and rudder installed?
It’s very hard to be definitive until you have everything set up.
I’m 6’1” and initially had them in the forward most position but found they hit the firewall at full rudder deflection so moved them back. I think that’s a bigger consideration than the angle. I made more than one set of links while experimenting. Not a big deal.

Edit. Just realized you have a 14 so disregard the position details.
I assume you have your VS and rudder installed?


Edit. Just realized you have a 14 so disregard the position details.

Yes, VS and rudder are temporarily installed.

I'm not sure but I think that our rudder pedal setup is similar.

I'm probably going to go ahead and make some different links to check out the difference. I'm also not sure how much difference to expect once I have carpet in place. I needed to have a measurement of my heel placement before I ordered the carpet but I'm also not sure how much difference the carpet will make. :)