
Hi all,

are there anybody that have some info about Paul Grimstad of Controlapproach ?
I payed for the rudder pedals a couple of month ago and till I did not receive anythink (delivery address in Oregon).
The last answer on my mails was 1 March where he told me he was going to ship on March 2.

Since that he never answer any other mails... I hope he is good.

Thanks a lot
Hi Tom,

at the and I have the pedals in my workshop. Anyway it has been a long history... So if you have patience and you are ready to write several mails, it is a good choice.

Have a good luck!

I have Paul's pedals on my 8 and would highly recommend them

They took awhile to receive, even three years ago, but worth the wait if they show up.

I'll also throw in that I absolutely love my pedals from Paul. I think that lots of us are used to the "AMAZON" shopping experience where you order something and you get it in a few days / weeks.
From what I can gather, Paul does this as a side project and makes them in batches. E-mail and phone calls are the best method of getting in touch with him. As long as you are patient things work well.

In my case, I was the "hold-up" as I ordered the pedals before I even ordered my fuse. Paul needs the master cylinders to complete the pedals, and ended up just providing me a set with his cylinders until my kit arrived and I was able to ship my set to him to make him whole. He really went above and beyond in my case, but I also kept in constant contact with him. YMMV but I was very pleased with the results.