
Does anybody have a source/plans/pictures of a control lock device that will lock the rudder pedals and control column at the same time? I thought Van's had one, but I can't find it on their web site.
The Van's tow bar will lock the rudder pedals .... but I don't remember seeing a device for the RV-12 from Van's that will lock the control column in addition to the rudder pedals.

If there is a single device or a mod for the tow bar that will do so, I would be very interested in seeing it.

Happy flying,
You might call Anti Splat Aero and ask them if they're working on one for the -12.

I have one for my -6 and I like it.
If there is a single device or a mod for the tow bar that will do so, I would be very interested in seeing it.

Actually, the towbar accomplishes both tasks. Rudder pedals for sure... and then take the velcro strap and cinch the closed end of "v" around the stick. Also, I put a wrap of black electrical tape on the towbar where the stick touches to protect paint. I'll try to remember to take picture on next outing...
The Vans 12 tow bar works great. It actually applies the brakes as well as keeps the control surfaces from moving.