Oil ???

Seems to come from below the rudder, could it be engine oil if negative G for a brief moment??

If not, moisture in the air but there should'nt be an abrupt airflow change of direction from the tail when doing a roll.
There's more chance of moisture condensing around the ailerons...??
I noticed the same thing when reviewing the rear facing go-pro footage from my phase 1 acro testing. A puff of smoke came out from under the tail after a hammerhead turn. I attribute it to oil sloshing around in the engine, coming out the breather tube, hitting the exhaust and turning into smoke.


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Don't bring that polluter to Kalifornia... The A.Q.M.D. and California Air Resources Board (CARB) win you out of town on rails! :D


If the humidity and temperature are right, low pressure air can cause the moisture to condense and this will result in the formation if a “contrail”…
Oil - I did a hammerhead in my buddy's 6A with a carburetted engine. being used to fuel injection, I just enjoy it's upline.

Then the engine stopped.

Doh !

Pushed forward to stop it going over onto it's back and wondered what the mist was.......

The whole lower wing surface was covered in oil from root to tip.

Hey Ho - the ramp lads earned their $50 that afternoon cleaning it ;)