
Well Known Member
Does anyone have experience with both the ContourHD 1080p as well as the newer ContourROAM? I have the 1080p, but last week got a great deal on the ContourROAM, so I bought that, too. I want to keep only one, but which one?

Amazon has a good page comparing the cameras here. The ContourROAM is newer, and on paper, it seems better in all aspects, with the big exception that it lacks 60 frames-per-second capability of the 1080p (other stuff like non-removable battery doesn't matter much to me). The big question to me is regarding the quality--is it better with the newer ContourROAM? Better optics and/or sensor? If so, I may go that way, since most people won't see 60fps anyway (e.g. YouTube doesn't support it).

And to make this RV related, here's a video I shot last weekend with the older camera:

For the sake of comparison, here's the same video at 60fps (180MB file):
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